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417 lines (409 loc) · 21.6 KB

H-01 Users can abuse incorrect userGaugeProfitIndex accounting to drain up the gauge rewards

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


The ProfitManager.claimGaugeRewards doesn't update userGaugeProfitIndex when deltaIndex == 0. Because of this users who stake/unstake at least once and then stake again are rewarded for the period they weren't staked.

Moreover if they can flashloan a big amount of Guild token, they can drain ProfitManager Credit balance since the rewards are distributed at a pro-rata share.

Proof of Concept

Let's take the following example:

  1. user Alice stake Guild to a gauge (incrementGauge). claimGaugeRewards is called. This call returns 0 since _userGaugeWeight == 0; userGaugeWeight is incremented later by super._incrementGaugeWeight here.

userGaugeProfitIndex is not updated;

  1. protocol accumulate interest and gaugeProfitIndex is updated (these are the rewards alocated for guildSplit).

  2. Alice unstake her entire weight from the gauge: decrementGauge -> calls claimGaugeRewards:

    • this time _userGaugeWeight != 0;
    • deltaIndex != 0 => Alice gets her share of the accumulated interest.
    • userGaugeProfitIndex[user][gauge] = _gaugeProfitIndex; -> OK
    • super._decrementGaugeWeight is executed next and getUserGaugeWeight is cleared
  3. time passes, lendingTerm (gauge) accumulate more interests, gaugeProfitIndex is updated accordingly;

  4. Alice stakes again by calling incrementGauge. The things from step (1) happens again:claimGaugeRewards returns 0 because _userGaugeWeight == 0 => userGaugeProfitIndex is not set to _gaugeProfitIndex -> NOK

  5. Alice can unstake immediately and because userGaugeProfitIndex wasn't updated when when she staked 2nd time, she is rewarded for the period she had 0 weight allocated on the gauge -> NOK

Protocol can get drained following next steps:

  • Alice allocates a minimum weight (1 wei) to all available gauges;
  • Alice does/waits steps 1-4 above;
  • Alice stakes a big amount (eg. from a flash loan) in step (5). Credit earned per gauge is directly proportional to the amount staked in step 5: creditEarned = (_userGaugeWeight * deltaIndex) / 1e18;

Coded PoC: Add following test in "../unit/governance/ProfitManager.t.sol" file and execute it with forge test --mt testStealGaugeRewards -vvv

    function testStealGaugeRewards() public {// H4
        // grant roles to test contract
        core.grantRole(CoreRoles.GOVERNOR, address(this));
        core.grantRole(CoreRoles.CREDIT_MINTER, address(this));
        core.grantRole(CoreRoles.GUILD_MINTER, address(this));
        core.grantRole(CoreRoles.GAUGE_ADD, address(this));
        core.grantRole(CoreRoles.GAUGE_PARAMETERS, address(this));
        core.grantRole(CoreRoles.GAUGE_PNL_NOTIFIER, address(this));

        uint256 guildAmount = 100e18;// `stake` amount (incrementGauge, decrementGauge weight amount)

            0.5e18, // surplusBufferSplit
            0, // creditSplit
            0.5e18, // guildSplit
            0, // otherSplit
            address(0) // otherRecipient
        guild.addGauge(1, gauge1);, guildAmount);, guildAmount);

        guild.incrementGauge(gauge1, guildAmount);
        guild.incrementGauge(gauge1, guildAmount);

        // simulate 40 profit on gauge1:
        // - 20 should go to surplusBuffer;
        // - 20 should be split equally between alice and bob, 40e18);
        profitManager.notifyPnL(gauge1, 40e18);

        assertEq(profitManager.claimRewards(alice), 10e18, "alice claimRewards1 == 10e18");
        assertEq(profitManager.claimRewards(bob), 10e18, "bob claimRewards1 == 10e18");
        assertEq(profitManager.userGaugeProfitIndex(alice,gauge1), 1.10e18, "alice userGaugeProfitIndex != 1.10 e18");
        assertEq(profitManager.userGaugeProfitIndex(bob,gauge1), 1.10e18, "bob userGaugeProfitIndex != 1.10 e18");

        // bob unstake
        guild.decrementGauge(gauge1, guildAmount);
        assertEq(guild.getUserGaugeWeight(bob, gauge1), 0, "bob is still staking in gauge1");

        // simulate a 16 credit profit split:
        // - 8 goes to surplus buffer;
        // - 8 goes to the guildSplit => 100% to alice since she's the only staker, 16e18);
        profitManager.notifyPnL(gauge1, 16e18);
        assertEq(profitManager.claimRewards(alice), 8e18,  "alice second round of rewards");

        // bob stakes again 
        guild.incrementGauge(gauge1, guildAmount);

        assertEq(profitManager.userGaugeProfitIndex(bob, gauge1),
            "bob userGaugeProfitIndex was not updated");
        assertEq(profitManager.claimRewards(bob), 0, "bob should get no rewards");
        //bob should have 10 Credit from first claimRewards 
        assertEq(credit.balanceOf(bob), 10e18, "bobs credit balance != 10");

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Removing this check from claimGaugeRewards seems to solve the problem. userGaugeProfitIndex is updated when needed (delta != 0) and function will still return 0 creditEarned (as it should when userGaugeWeight == 0).

        if (_userGaugeWeight == 0) {
            return 0;

However further analysis for potential side effects is required.

Assessed type


H-02 CreditMultiplier is not applied to creditAsked when a bid for an active auction is placed. This can reduce the creditMultiplier and thus the value of creditToken holders

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


  • auction can't be won as long as auction is in first phase;
  • interest is not paid;
  • protocol (and credit holders) are forcing to incur a loss when auction enters second phase (100% collateralToBidder, less and less Credit payed back).
  • when auction enters second phase, bidder pays less Credit than it should.

Proof of Concept

In case of a late partial repayment or offboarding lendingTerm loans can be called.

LendingTerm.getLoanDebt is used to calculate the outstanding borrowed amount of a loan. It includes the principal, interest, openFee. A creditMultiplier correction is applied to reflect the updated loan value in case creditToken <-> underlyingToken ratio decreased after the loan was opened.

        uint256 creditMultiplier = ProfitManager(refs.profitManager).
        loanDebt = (loanDebt * loan.borrowCreditMultiplier) / 

loans mapping is updated with up-to-date loadDebt amount.

        // update loan in state
        uint256 loanDebt = getLoanDebt(loanId);
        loans[loanId].callTime = block.timestamp;
        loans[loanId].callDebt = loanDebt;

The auction is started. auctions[loanId] store same up-to-data loanDebt (named callDebt now).

        // save auction in state
        auctions[loanId] = Auction({
            startTime: block.timestamp,
            endTime: 0,
            lendingTerm: msg.sender,
            collateralAmount: loan.collateralAmount,
            callDebt: callDebt

Now auction is active and anyone can bid on it. AuctionHouse.getBidDetail is used to get the collateralReceived (by bidder) for creditAsked. As we can see updated callDebt (updated at the moment the auction started) is returned for creditAsked. (we ignore the fact less Credit is asked in second phase of the auction).

        if (block.timestamp < _startTime + midPoint) {
            // ask for the full debt
>>          creditAsked = auctions[loanId].callDebt;

            // compute amount of collateral received
            uint256 elapsed = block.timestamp - _startTime; // [0, midPoint[
            uint256 _collateralAmount = auctions[loanId].collateralAmount; // SLOAD
            collateralReceived = (_collateralAmount * elapsed) / midPoint;
        // second phase of the auction, where less and less CREDIT is asked
        else if (block.timestamp < _startTime + auctionDuration) {
            // receive the full collateral
            collateralReceived = auctions[loanId].collateralAmount;

            // compute amount of CREDIT to ask
            uint256 PHASE_2_DURATION = auctionDuration - midPoint;
            uint256 elapsed = block.timestamp - _startTime - midPoint; // [0, PHASE_2_DURATION[
            uint256 _callDebt = auctions[loanId].callDebt; // SLOAD
>>          creditAsked = _callDebt - (_callDebt * elapsed) / PHASE_2_DURATION;

creditAsked is passed down to onBid callback.

  • The principal is calculated by applying the borrowCreditMultiplier / creditMultiplier correction:
        uint256 creditMultiplier = ProfitManager(refs.profitManager)
        uint256 borrowAmount = loans[loanId].borrowAmount;
        uint256 principal = (borrowAmount *
            loans[loanId].borrowCreditMultiplier) / creditMultiplier;
  • creditFromBidder is the creditAsked == callDebt == loanDebt updated at the moment auction started. No new correction is applied.

Let me explain what I mean by that and why it matters.

The auction can last many blocks, up to 30 minutes based on in the scope deployment script.

            AuctionHouse auctionHouse = new AuctionHouse(
                650, // midPoint = 10m50s
                1800 // auctionDuration = 30m

creditMultiplier can have a correction down (due to bad debt accumulation) between (1) the loan was called (auction started) and (2) the auction was bid on.

On the time axis we have 3 creditMultiplier values of interest :

borrowCreditMultiplier >= auctionStartedCreditMultiplier >= bidOnAuctionCreditMultiplier == creditMultiplier

Going back on onBid callback :

-> principal = borrowAmount * borrowCreditMultiplier/ bidOnAuctionCreditMultiplier

-> creditFromBidder = borrowAmountPlusInterests * borrowCreditMultiplier / auctionStartedCreditMultiplier

In the first phase of auction more and more collateral is offered for the same amount of CREDIT to pay. Let's suppose a bidder bids in this phase, offering creditFromBidder for a x% ( x < 100%) of collateral. But, in case creditMultiplier decreased between startAuction and bid moment, principal can be bigger than creditFromBidder amount, forcing the code to enter else branch:

        } else {
            pnl = int256(creditFromBidder) - int256(principal);
            principal = creditFromBidder;
                collateralToBorrower == 0,
                "LendingTerm: invalid collateral movement"

Because collateralToBorrower must be 0 even if auction is in first half (and collateral is split between bidder and borrower), the bid transaction reverts:

  • auction can't be won as long as auction is in first phase;
  • interest is not paid;
  • protocol (and credit holders) are forcing to incur a loss when auction enters second phase (100% collateralToBidder, less and less Credit payed back).
  • when auction enters second phase, bidder pays less Credit than it should.

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps`

Consider applying same correction to both principal and creditFromBidder:

  • LendingTerm._call : loans[loanId].callDebt => save rawLoanDebt (principal +interest + openFee) (but do not apply creditMultiplier correction)
  • AuctionHouse.getBidDetail : getBidDetail => apply creditM correction to rawLoanDebt to calculate creditAsked: creditAsked = rawLoanDebt * borrowCreditMultiplier/ bidOnAuctionCreditMultiplier
  • when onBid callback is called the creditAsked updated amount is passed and compared with principal which has same correction applied.

Assessed type


H-03 After a first slashing event, all subsequent SGM stake are slashed because of using a non-initialized userStake variable

Lines of code

Vulnerability details


After a first slashing event all subsequent SGM staking are considered slashed. Stakers loose principal staked and any potential Guild token rewards.

Proof of Concept

Inside SurplusGuildMinter.getRewards() , lastGaugeLoss timestamp is compared with the default, uninitialized userStake.lastGaugeLoss.

  function getRewards(
        address user,
        address term
        returns (
            uint256 lastGaugeLoss, // GuildToken.lastGaugeLoss(term)
            UserStake memory userStake, // stake state after execution of getRewards()
            bool slashed // true if the user has been slashed
        bool updateState;
        lastGaugeLoss = GuildToken(guild).lastGaugeLoss(term);
        if (lastGaugeLoss > uint256(userStake.lastGaugeLoss)) {
            slashed = true;

Variable slashed is not updated afterwards and users guild reward is deleted and their staked balance cleared as well.

Coded PoC: Add folowing test in SurplusGuildMinter.t.sol file

    function testSubsequentStakersAreSlashed_AfterBadDebtLossEvent() public {

        address alice = makeAddr("alice");
        address bob = makeAddr("bob");, 100e18);, 100e18);

        credit.approve(address(sgm), 100e18);
        sgm.stake(term, 100e18);
        assertEq(credit.balanceOf(alice), 0, "alice should have no credit");
        assertEq(profitManager.surplusBuffer(), 0, "should have no surplus");
        assertEq(profitManager.termSurplusBuffer(term), 100e18, "should have term surplus");
        assertEq(guild.balanceOf(address(sgm)), 200e18, "sgm guild balance");// because of mintRation = 2:1
        assertEq(guild.getGaugeWeight(term), 250e18, "term gauge weight");// 200 + 50 from setUp
        assertEq(sgm.getUserStake(alice, term).credit, 100e18,"alice stake amount");

            0.25e18, // surplusBufferSplit
            0.25e18, // creditSplit
            0.5e18, // guildSplit
            0, // otherSplit
            address(0) // otherRecipient

        // add bad debt
        profitManager.notifyPnL(term, -30e18);
        assertEq(profitManager.surplusBuffer(), 100e18 - 30e18); // 70e18
        assertEq(profitManager.termSurplusBuffer(term), 0);

        // cannot stake if there was just a loss
        // next block
        vm.warp(block.timestamp + 13);
        vm.roll(block.number + 1);

        // apply loss to alice
        sgm.getRewards(alice, term);
        // alice got no rewards because term accrued no interest;
        // alice got slashed
        assertEq(credit.balanceOf(alice), 0, "alice credit rewards after slashing");
        assertEq(sgm.getUserStake(alice, term).credit, 0, "alice staked credit after slashing");
        assertEq(guild.balanceOf(alice), 0, "alice guild rewards after slashing");

        // bob stakes
        credit.approve(address(sgm), 100e18);
        sgm.stake(term, 100e18);

        assertEq(credit.balanceOf(bob), 0, "bob should have no credit");
        assertEq(guild.balanceOf(bob), 0, "bob should have no guild");
        assertEq(profitManager.surplusBuffer(), 70e18, "surplusBuffer amount");// from previous slashing event
        assertEq(profitManager.termSurplusBuffer(term), 100e18, "termSurplusBuffer amount");// bob staked amount
        assertEq(guild.balanceOf(address(sgm)), 200e18 + 200e18, "sgm guild balance");
        assertEq(guild.getGaugeWeight(term), 250e18 + 200e18, "term gauge weight");// 200 + 50 from setUp + 200 from alice
        assertEq(sgm.getUserStake(bob, term).credit, 100e18,"bob stake amount");

        // accumulate profit
        profitManager.notifyPnL(term, 45e18);
        (, , bool isBobSlashed) = sgm.getRewards(bob, term);
        assertEq(isBobSlashed, false, "bob should not be slashed");
        assertEq(credit.balanceOf(bob), 10e18, "bob credit rewards after PnL");
        assertEq(sgm.getUserStake(bob, term).credit, 100e18, "bob staked credit after PnL");
        assertGt(guild.balanceOf(bob), 0, "bob guild rewards after PnL");
        sgm.unstake(term, 100e18);
        assertEq(credit.balanceOf(bob), 110e18, "bob credit balance after unstake");// initial staking amount + rewards
        assertEq(guild.balanceOf(bob), 0, "bob guild balance after unstake");

Tools Used

Manual review

Recommended Mitigation Steps

Cache user _stakes first and use it afterwards:

        bool updateState;
        lastGaugeLoss = GuildToken(guild).lastGaugeLoss(term);
+        userStake = _stakes[user][term];
        if (lastGaugeLoss > uint256(userStake.lastGaugeLoss)) {
            slashed = true;

        // if the user is not staking, do nothing
-        userStake = _stakes[user][term];

Assessed type
