We have prepared a set of tutorials for an easy introduction:
01. Get started
- Creating TSDataset and time series plotting
- Forecast single time series - Simple forecast, Prophet, Catboost
- Forecast multiple time series
- Pipeline
02. Backtest
- What is backtest and how it works
- How to run a validation
- Validation visualisation
03. EDA
- Visualization
- Plot
- Partial autocorrelation
- Cross-correlation
- Correlation heatmap
- Distribution
- Outliers
- Median method
- Density method
04. Outliers
- Point outliers
- Median method
- Density method
- Prediction interval method
- Histogram method
- Sequence outliers
- Interactive visualization
- Outliers imputation
05. Clustering
- Clustering pipeline
- Custom Distance
- Visualisation
- Creating TSDataset
- Architecture
- Testing models
- DeepAR
- Simple Model
07. Ensembles
- VotingEnsemble
- StackingEnsemble