All changes to the project, new features and information are documented in this file
- Reclamation of previous data with NUTS codes
- Data quality analysis notes
- Updates on previous days based on data recalculation notes from Regions
- After January 6, 2021, the updates of the new areas with the containment measures will be carried out only on the generalized file
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange, yellow and white areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange, yellow and white areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated csv e json metrics files on desktop and mobile dashboards
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange, yellow and white areas) with related metadata. For the white areas, the new value "art. 1 comma 11" was introduced in the LegSpecRif attribute, again with reference to the provisions of the Prime Ministerial Decree of January 14, 2021.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Add informations "codice_nuts_1" and "codice_nuts_2" on regions dataset and "codice_nuts_1", "codice_nuts_2" and " codice_nuts_3" on provinces dataset
- Add informations "totale_positivi_test_molecolare", "totale_positivi_test_antigenico_rapido", "tamponi_test_molecolare" e "tamponi_test_antigenico_rapido" on regions and national trends datasets
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at regional level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated generalized shapefile and geojson with new containment measures at national level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Modification: also added a generalized version (-g) of the dataset relating to the new areas with containment measures at national level (red, orange and yellow areas).
- Change: updated shapefile with new containment measures at national level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated shapefile with new containment measures at national level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: updated shapefile with new containment measures at national level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Add: "Entrance to intensive care"
- Change: updated shapefile with new containment measures at national level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Add: new shapefile with new containment measures at national level (red, orange and yellow areas) with related metadata.
- Change: new dataset that adds the data "casi_da_sospetto_diagnostico" and "casi_da_screening", note_it and note_en fields are removed by including a single "note" field, in Provincial data added the value "Fuori Regione / Provincia Autonoma", all historical data have been aligned and a legacy repository with old datasets is maintained until 31/07 in "legacy" directory
- Add: update at 18/5/2020 shape file with national containment measures according to DPCM 17/5/2020 with related metadata.
- Change: codice_regione for P.A. Bolzano and P.A. Trento: from 04 to 21 for P.A. Bolzano and from 04 to 22 for P.A. Trento (province code)
- Add: update to 03/05/2020 shape file with subregional containment measures (provinces, municipalities and hamlets) with related metadata.
- Add: update at 4/5/2020 shape file with national containment measures according to DPCM 26/4/2020 with related metadata.
- Add: update to 26/4/2020 shape file with subregional containment measures (provinces, municipalities and hamlets) with related metadata.
- Add:metadata of the new dpc supplies contracts dataset (contracts and payments) in DCAT-AP-IT format
- Integrated README with specifications for the data model of the dataset areas (national and subregional)
- Add: new dataset dpc supplies contracts (contracts and payments) in csv and json format. link to dashboard - link to dataset
- Add: new shape file with subregional containment measures (provinces, municipalities and hamlets) with related metadata.
- Add: "casi_testati", total number of people tested from 2020-04-19
- Change: "totale_attualmente_positivi" renamed to "totale_positivi" (ricoverati_con_sintomi + terapia_intensiva + isolamento domiciliare) in "dati_regioni" and "dati_andamento_nazionale"
- Change: "nuovi_attualmente_positivi" renamed to "variazione_totale_positivi" (totale_attualmente positivi giorno corrente - totale_attualmente positivi giorno precedente) in "dati_regioni" and "dati_andamento_nazionale"
- Add: "nuovi_positivi" (totale_casi giorno corrente - totale_casi giorno precedente) in "dati_regioni" and "dati_andamento_nazionale"
- Change: Regione "Emilia Romagna" renamed to "Emilia-Romagna" in "dati-regioni" and "dati-province" ("denominazione_regione")
- Date in ISO8601 format UTC
- Add: "Note" (Notes) in "dati-regioni", "dati-province" and "dati-andamento-nazionale"
- Add: "note" dataset
- Added latest data (latest) csv, into their respective directory, per national trend (dpc-covid19-ita-andamento-nazionale-latest.csv), regions (dpc-covid19-ita-regioni-latest.csv) and provinces (dpc-covid19-ita-province-latest.csv)
- Added latest data (latest) json, in data-json directory, for national trend (dpc-covid19-ita-andamento-nazionale-latest.json), regions (dpc-covid19-ita-regioni-latest.json) and provinces ( dpc-covid19-ita-province-latest.json)
- Add: code of conduct in italian language ( and in english language (
- Add: changelog in italian language ( and in english language (
- Areas updated according to the new Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) March 11, 2020
- Change: "Bolzano" and "Trento" renamed to "P.A. Bolzano" and "P.A. Trento" in "dati-regioni and "dati-province" ("denominazione_regione")
- Change: "Friuli V.G." renamed to "Friuli Venezia Giulia" in "dati-regioni and "dati-province" ("denominazione_regione") to "Friuli Venezia Giulia"
- Areas updated according to the new Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers (DPCM) March 09, 2020
- Change: dataset "dati-andamento-nazionale" by reporting the total data of the Regions
- Removed: directory "shape-aree-contenimento" with "shp" and "geojson"