This code realizes a steady laminar flamelet approach for turbulent non-premixed combustion. The solver is based on ''rhoReactingFoam'', i.e. it is pressure-based (PISO), compressible and runs with both LES and RAS turbulence.
The theory is mainly taken from the work of N. Peters and is based on the view of a turbulent flame as an ensemble of laminar flamelets. The calculation of these flamelets is a one-dimensional problem and can be done in a pre-processing step. Integration using a presumed beta-Probability Density Function (PDF) accounts for the interaction between turbulent fluctuations and chemistry. The results of the pre-processing procedure are stored in tables which are accessed during the simulation. Values of interest, such as species mass fraction or enthalpy, are looked-up and connected to the flow using three parameters - the mixture fraction, its variance and the scalar dissipation rate. In doing so, the expensive solution of chemical mechanisms during run-time can be avoided and the run-time thus reduces significantly.
More information is available on the Extend-bazaar page:
This version works with OpenFOAM-2.3
Prepare a directory on your system, e.g.:
mkdir ~/OpenFOAM/flamletFoam/
Download flameletFoam using git:
git clone ~/OpenFOAM/flameletFoam/
Set an environment variable to the flameletFoam src folder:
export LIB_FLAMELET_SRC=~/OpenFOAM/flameletFoam/src/
There is a RANS and a LES tutorial available:
cd ./tutorial/pilotedDiffusionFlame/ras/
More information on using flameletFoam, in particular a description of the workflow including the table-generation with cantera, is available on:
This package was developed at the Universität der Bundeswehr München, Thermodynamics Institute (Prof. Pfitzner). Should you publish results that were obtained with this package, please make sure cite our group, e.g.:
Financial support was provided by the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft) in the framework of the Sonderforschungsbereich/Transregio 40.
Should you find bugs or have suggestions how to make the code better, please post on cfd-online using the following thread: