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Malware Analysis

Malware Analysis

Collections of good materials (pdfs, tutorials and so on)


Decryption and Deobfuscation


echo d2dldCBodHRwOi8vc29tZW5vbmV4aXRpbmdjbmNbLl1jb20vbWFsd2FyZS5hcHA=|base64 -d |bash;


Disk Image

dd if=/dev/sda3 of=$IMAGE_FILE
mount -o loop,ro $IMAGE_FILE /mnt


Frameworks and other analysis systems

  • Analyzer - ☣️ Offline Analyzer for extracting and visualizing features, artifacts and IoCs from files and memory dumps (Windows, Linux, Android, iPhone, Blackberry, macOS binaries, emails and more).

  • Assemblyline - AssemblyLine 4 - File triage and malware analysis

  • CAPEv2 - Malware Configuration And Payload Extraction

  • Detect It Easy (DIE) tool - DIE is a signature-based tool that detects a file’s compiler, linker, packer, and more.

  • DRAKVUF Sandbox - DRAKVUF Sandbox - automated hypervisor-level malware analysis system.

  • Hybrid-Analysis - free malware analysis service for the community that detects and analyzes unknown threats using a unique Hybrid Analysis technology.

  • Karton - Distributed malware processing framework based on Python, Redis and MinIO.

  • Koodous

  • Malware-analysis-pipeline - Lightweight Python-Based Malware Analysis Pipeline

  • Malwoverview - Malwoverview is a first response tool used for threat hunting and offers intel information from Virus Total, Hybrid Analysis, URLHaus, Polyswarm, Malshare, Alien Vault, Malpedia, ThreatCrowd, Valhalla, Malware Bazaar, ThreatFox, Triage and it is able to scan Android devices against VT and HA.

  • Pandora - Pandora is an analysis framework to discover if a file is suspicious and conveniently show the results

  • Virustotal - Analyze suspicious files and URLs to detect types of malware, automatically share them with the security community.

  • YAMA - Yet Another Memory Analyzer for malware detection


    • Cuckoo - Cuckoo Sandbox is an automated dynamic malware analysis system

Elf - Executable and Linkable Format

  • Formats: so, o, elf, puff, ko, mod, bin, axf, prx or none
  • Awesome-elf - null
  • ELFkickers - A collection of programs that access and manipulate ELF files.
  • Extracting Linux ELF binaries - Pyinstxtractor as of now can natively extract Pyinstaller generated ELF binaries (in the same way as Windows exe) without requiring additional tools.
  • Extrude - 🕵️ Analyse binaries for missing security features, information disclosure and more...
  • hacking_whale - Custom Docker image used for debugging and pwning x86/x86_64 ELFs.
  • M0der_p4cker - Just a modern packer for elf binaries ( works on linux executables only )
  • XELFViewer - ELF file viewer/editor for Windows, Linux and MacOS.
ldd                                           #displays libraries used
ldd /bin/executable
readelf /bin/executable                       #displays info about ELF files
readelf -h training-sample                    #ELF Header
readelf -s training-sample
readelf -s training-sample | grep OBJECT
readelf -s training-sample | grep FUNC
readelf -s training-sample | grep FILE

Fuzzy hashing


Exif - Exchangeable image file format (officially Exif, according to JEIDA/JEITA/CIPA specifications) is a standard that specifies the formats for images, sound, and ancillary tags used by digital cameras (including smartphones), scanners and other systems handling image and sound files recorded by digital cameras. Wiki Exif

 exiftool IMG.CR2


  • - Minimal python dns server, it only replies with a selected ip in an A record
  • flare-fakenet-ng - Next Generation Dynamic Network Analysis Tool.
  • INetSim
  • Netsniff-ng - A Swiss army knife for your daily Linux network plumbing.
  • NetworkMiner - open source Network Forensic Analysis Tool (NFAT) for Windows (but also works in Linux / Mac OS X / FreeBSD).
  • Pcap files and malware samples - Since the summer of 2013, this site has published over 1,600 blog entries about malicious network traffic. Almost every post on this site has pcap files or malware samples (or both).
  • TinyCheck - TinyCheck allows you to easily capture network communications from a smartphone or any device which can be associated to a Wi-Fi access point in order to quickly analyze them. This can be used to check if any suspect or malicious communication is outgoing from a smartphone, by using heuristics or specific Indicators of Compromise (IoCs). In order to make it working, you need a computer with a Debian-like operating system and two Wi-Fi interfaces. The best choice is to use a Raspberry Pi (2+) a Wi-Fi dongle and a small touch screen. This tiny configuration (for less than $50) allows you to tap any Wi-Fi device, anywhere.
    • SpyGuard - SpyGuard is a forked and enhanced version of TinyCheck. SpyGuard's main objective is to detect signs of compromise by monitoring network flows transmitted by a device.


    • MINI-DNS-Server - Resolve domain names and saves the ips in a database (cache).


  • DetectionLab - Automate the creation of a lab environment complete with security tooling and logging best practices.

Operating Systems

  • FireEye's ThreatPursuit-VM - A fully customizable, open-sourced Windows-based distribution focused on threat intelligence analysis and hunting designed for intel and malware analysts as well as threat hunters to get up and running quickly.
  • Flare-vm - a fully customizable, Windows-based security distribution for malware analysis, incident response, penetration testing, etc.
  • REMnux - REMnux® is a Linux toolkit for reverse-engineering and analyzing malicious software. REMnux provides a curated collection of free tools created by the community. Analysts can use it to investigate malware without having to find, install, and configure the tools. Lots of tools in /opt/ folder.
  • Santoku Linux - Linux Distro for Mobile Security, Malware Analysis, and Forensics



strings training-sample > str.txt
strings -w maliciousfile.o | less
sudo strings /dev/mem | less

Tutorials and practise


  • Psalm - A static analysis tool for finding errors in PHP applications

  • Reverse PHP Mmalware - De-obfuscate and reverse engineer PHP malware.


  • VMwareCloak - A PowerShell script that attempts to help malware analysts hide their VMware Windows VM's from malware that may be trying to evade analysis.