Concerto is an application development framework for building blockchain applications based on Hyperledger. This is the API JSDoc for the Concerto Client, Admin and Runtime Javascript APIs.
User Documentation is on the gh-pages branch of the Concerto git repository
The major components of Concerto are:
- The Concerto language for describing the structure of resources (assets, participants and transactions) that participate in a blockchain-mediated business network.
- Javascript APIs to query, create, update and delete resources and submit transactions from client applications. Concerto resources are stored on the blockchain.
- Javascript transaction processor functions that runs on Hyperledger when transactions are submitted for processing. These functions may update the state of resources stored on the blockchain via server-side Concerto APIs.
- The Composer utility and tools to interactively test Concerto-based solutions.
To read more about the community and guidelines for submitting pull requests, please read the Contributing document.