$ docker run -v /full/path/to/html/directory:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro -p 8080:80 -d nginx:alpine
When we execute this command line, we see Docker download the Nginx image and then start the container. We used four command line options to run this container: - -v /full/path/to/html/directory:/usr/share/nginx/html:ro maps the directory holding our web page to the required location in the image. The ro field instructs Docker to mount it in read-only mode. It’s best to pass Docker the full paths when specifying host directories. - -p 8080:80 maps network service port 80 in the container to 8080 on our host system. - -d detaches the container from our command line session. we don’t want to interact with this container. - nginx is the name of the image.