A habit tracker app which treats your goals like a Role Playing Game. As you accomplish goals, you level up. If you fail your goals, you lose hit points. Lose all your HP and you die.
What is habit tracking?
See 7 Tools to Help Keep Track of Habits and Goals for a description and more habit tracking examples.
This is confusing
If you played RPGs (Role Playing Games) growing up, this app will make perfect sense to you; otherwise, it might be overwhelming at first. Be sure to follow the tutorial when you first load the website. If it's still not your cup of tea, checkout the above link, as well as MindBloom.
How do I heal?
You have to level up, HP resets upon leveling up. I'm thinking of adding a buyable Health Potion, but I think this might compromise pushing yourself. Think about it - the closer you are to leveling, the harder you'll try to be accountable.
My tasks are too red, they're killing me too fast
This is good. The worse you are at a task, the more valuable it becomes - meaning you gain more experience for completing those red tasks. This will incentivise you to try harder the more you're struggling, as well as to avoid failing (since the more valuable tasks drain more HP).
Code is licensed under GNU GPL v3. Content is licensed under CC-BY-SA 3.0. See the LICENSE file for details.
Content comes from Mozilla's BrowserQuest