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Trace-Based Simulations for Disaggregated Memory Systems

1. Setup Instructions:

Step 1: Download DRAMSim2

  • Download the DRAMSim2 package in your working directory.

Step 2: Apply Patch

  • Navigate to the DRAMSim2 directory.
  • Apply the patch using the following command:
    patch -p1 < DRAMSim2.patch

Step 3: Build DRAMSim2

  • Build DRAMSim2 using the following command:
cd DRAMSim2
cd ..

Step 4: Update ini Directory

  • Copy all files from the DRAMSim2_ini directory to the ini directory inside DRAMSim2/ini.

2. Running Trace-Based Simulation

Step 1: Trace Production

  1. Copy the DRackSim-Trace directory to your Pin tool path. The directory should be placed inside:

  2. Copy all the files inside the Trace_tool directory into the main directory (similar to the DRAMSim-Trace folder).

  3. Navigate to the DRAMSim-Trace directory:

    cd DRAMSim-Trace
  4. Install Boost Libraries

    • Download Boost or use the provided copy.
    • Extract it into the following directory:
  5. Create obj-intel64 folder in $pin-path/source/include/pin/

  6. Run the following command to build the memory trace tool:

    make obj-intel64/ TARGET=intel64
  7. Create an executable of the program you want to trace, for example, matrix multiplication or any other file:

    • Compile the program (e.g., example.cpp) using g++ or your preferred compiler to produce an executable:
      g++ example.cpp -o example.out
  8. Generate the trace by running the Pin tool along with the memory trace tool:

    ../../pin -t obj-intel64/ -P 1 -N 1 -T 0 -- ./example.out
  9. Once the trace is generated, an output folder will be created containing the trace files.

Step 2: Parse Trace Files

  1. Compile the parse_trace.cpp file:

    g++ parse_trace.cpp -o parse_trace
  2. Run the parser to create the parsed trace:

    • This will generate the Parsed_Trace_Node1.trc file.

3. Running Disaggregated Memory Simulation

  1. Ensure you have an executable for DRackSim.

  2. Run the simulation using the following command:

    ./TrackDRackSim <any-folder-name>
    • All the simulation statistics will be saved inside the specified folder.