Welcome to the CorDapp template. The CorDapp template is a stubbed-out CorDapp which you can use to bootstrap your own CorDapp projects.
This repository previously contained a simple CorDapp example. This example has now been moved to cordapp-tutorial.
The template's source code is provided in both Kotlin (under /kotlin-source
and Java (under /java-source
), and users can write their CorDapps in
either language.
You will need the following installed on your machine before you can start:
- JDK 8 installed and available on your path.
- Latest version of IntelliJ IDEA (note the community edition is free)
- h2 web console (download the "platform-independent zip")
- git
For more detailed information, see the getting set up page on the Corda docsite.
To get started, clone this repository with:
git clone https://github.com/corda/cordapp-template.git
And change directories to the newly cloned repo:
cd cordapp-template
It is recommended to checkout a milestone release of Corda. To do this you must run:
git checkout release-M11.1
Warning: Snapshots are very unstable, it is recommended to use a milestone instead.
When building from the latest SNAPSHOT release you must also clone the master
branch of the corda repository and then run gradlew install
to build the dependencies required for this template.
##Building the CorDapp template:
./gradlew deployNodes
gradlew.bat deployNodes
Note: You'll need to re-run this build step after making any changes to the template for these to take effect on the node.
Once the build finishes, change directories to the folder where the newly built nodes are located:
cd kotlin-source/build/nodes
cd java-source/build/nodes
The Gradle build script will have created a folder for each node. You'll
see three folders, one for each node and a runnodes
script. You can
run the nodes with:
sh runnodes --log-to-console --logging-level=DEBUG
runnodes.bat --log-to-console --logging-level=DEBUG
You should now have four Corda nodes running on your machine serving the template.
When the nodes have booted up, you should see a message like the following in the console:
Node started up and registered in 5.007 sec
The CorDapp defines a couple of HTTP API end-points and also serves some static web content. Initially, these return generic template responses.
The nodes can be found using the following port numbers, defined in the
, as well as the node.conf
file for each node found
under kotlin/build/nodes/NodeX
or java/build/nodes/NodeX
NodeA: localhost:10007
NodeB: localhost:10010
NodeC: localhost:10013
As the nodes start up, they should tell you which host and port their embedded web server is running on. The API endpoints served are:
And the static web content is served from:
The ExampleClientRPC.kt
file is a simple utility which uses the client
RPC library to connect to a node and log its transaction activity.
It will log any existing states and listen for any future states. To build
the client use the following Gradle task:
./gradlew runTemplateClientRPC
To run the client:
Via IntelliJ:
Select either the 'Run Template RPC Client - Java' or 'Run Template RPC Client - Kotlin' run configuration which, by default, connect to NodeA (Artemis port 10005). Click the Green Arrow to run the client.
Via the command line:
Run the following Gradle task:
./gradlew runTemplateClientRPC
By default this runs the Java version - to run the Kotlin version change to the 'kotlin-source' directory and run the Gradle task:
./gradlew runTemplateClientRPC
The nodes can also be set up to communicate between separate machines on the same subnet.
After deploying the nodes, navigate to the build folder (kotlin/build/ nodes
or java/build/nodes
) and move some of the individual node folders to
separate machines on the same subnet (e.g. using a USB key). It is important
that no nodes - including the controller node - end up on more than one
machine. Each computer should also have a copy of runnodes
For example, you may end up with the following layout:
- Machine 1:
- Machine 2:
You must now edit the configuration file for each node, including the
controller. Open each node's config file ([nodeName]/node.conf
), and make
the following changes:
- Change the artemis address to the machine's ip address (e.g.
) - Change the network map address to the ip address of the machine where the
controller node is running (e.g.
) (please note that the controller will not have a network map address)
Each machine should now run its nodes using runnodes
or runnodes.bat
files. Once they are up and running, the nodes should be able to communicate
among themselves in the same way as when they were running on the same machine.
Tutorials and developer docs for CorDapps and Corda are here.