🧐 A rubber duck in your cluster, help to debug everything
To debug a kubernetes cluster / component(middleware) / pod(business), it not similar to debug your local machine, you need to take care of the network, permission, and so on. This project is a collection of tools for k8s debugging, And classify and organize them according to scenarios, so hope they can be used right out-of-box.
It contains tools - e.g. oauth2-proxy, nginx, httpbin, with its artifacts, source-code, dockerfile and kustomization.
They, combined with kustomize in different scenarios, can be used to debug different problems.
├── component1
│ ├── src
│ └── kustomization
├── component2
│ └── kustomization
├── scenario
│ ├── scenario1
│ └── scenario2
├── README.md
- prod ready: add probe, image pull policy, resource limits ...
- more kubectl plugins ...
- charmbracelet / bubbletea
- hairyhenderson / gomplate
jedib0t / go-pretty
- K8S
- kustomize
- shell
- shdoc
- oauth2-proxy: Deploy oauth2-proxy(https://github.com/oauth2-proxy/oauth2-proxy) to setup oauth2 authentication for you application.
- Kubectl Plugins: Some simple plugins to extend kubectl functionality.
- Chatbot 9527: Deploy a chatbot for personal usage, it should be able to host locally
- httpbin: Use httpbin(https://httpbin.org/) to test the connection to your pod.
- zsh tools: Misc tools for zsh
- tempfile: Create temp notebook(folder) and file
- kustomization patches: A bunch of common patches (as component), e.g. sidecars, annotations
- nginx: A simple echo service to test the connection to your pod.
- base64 shortcuts: Some shortcuts for base64 encoding and decoding.
- Rubber Duck CLI: A simple CLI to help you debug your cluster.
- ls: Use ls to exlore the file system in pod, e.g. verify the mounted volume
- Dev Container in Kubernetes: Install a dev container inside your cluster, develop and test your application in a real environment.
- Rubber Duck TUI: A reuseable TUI component for rubber duck.
- poker-planning: Deploy poker-planning (https://github.com/ModPhoenix/poker-planning) to your cluster as communication tool.
- excalidraw collabration: Deploy excalidraw(https://github.com/excalidraw/excalidraw) to your cluster as communication tool.