ZED SDK Download - https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/downloads/
General documentation - https://www.stereolabs.com/documentation/
ZED SDK API Documentation - https://www.stereolabs.com/developers/documentation/API
This contains the ZED SDK examples to demonstrate how to use each module.
Tutorials - A series of simple projects to get started on each module.
Others - A series of projects containing useful features.
Camera Control - This sample shows how to tweak the ZED Camera parameters.
Depth Sensing - This sample demonstrates how to grab the current point cloud with the ZED SDK and how to display it in a 3D view with OpenGL / freeGLUT. It also allows you to save depth information (depth map image and point cloud) in different formats.
Positional Tracking - This sample demonstrates a simple way to use the ZED as a positional tracker and show the result in a OpenGL window.
Spatial Mapping - This sample demonstrates how to get a mesh with the ZED. This sample demonstrates how to use the asynchronous function of the ZED mapping API for live preview, and the synchronous function to extract, filter and save a mesh in a obj file.
SVO Recording - This sample demonstrates how to use the recording capabilities of the SDK. The SVO file is used to simulate a ZED. This sample allows the recording of such a file and also the decoding. The decoding provides a way to convert the file into a standard video file or into a sequence of images.
If you need assistance with the ZED SDK please contact the support at [email protected]
You can also visit the Help Center at https://support.stereolabs.com