Save time on your initial setup. This is a template app that includes the most important things you'll be probably using for your flask projects.
You can change the theme just by replacing one word in base.html
- Latest bootstrap template, modernizer, jquery etc. latest, served from content delivery networks.
- User Registry, Login & Forgot Password
- Secured Admin Panel
- Pagination
- A sample tasks database with SQLALchemy
git clone <project_name>
or download the zippip install -r requirements.txt
- edit the
with your settings. (Tested with yahoo mail SMTP -> working ok) - in edit the port of the app (Default: 1337)
-> http://server_ip:1337
optional edit /app/templates/base.html
{% set bootstrap_version = '3.2.0' %} {% set jquery_version = '2.1.1' %} {% set modernizer_version = '2.8.2' %} {% set bootswatch_version = '3.2.0' %} {% set bootswatch_theme = 'slate' %}
In case a new version appears, and you want to use it. modify it. also you can chose a nice theme from
in /app/ an example with "expenses list" is added.
an example with PAGINATION
- a supervisord.conf [supervisor is used to monitor the web application and restart it, also starts the app in case you restart your server]
- a simple nginx.conf
Your Feedback is appreciated :)