If you don't want to use fody and want to save space/time during development (creating private fields) with avoiding contructions like:
private string _val;
public string Val
get => _val;
if(value == _val)
_val = value;
private ICommand _command;
public ICommand Command => _command ?? (_command = new Command(() =>
//check if it isn't fast double tap..oh... try/cathc etc..
You can copy and paste two classes https://github.com/AndreiMisiukevich/BaseViewModel/tree/master/Lib/BaseViewModel Make you view model to inherit BaseViewModel and simplify code above:
public string Val
get => Get<string>();
set => Set(value);
public ICommand Command => Cmd() ?? RegCmd(() =>
}, TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(300), true, ex => {
//handle exception if you want
//first param - actionFrequency
//second param - shouldSuppressExceptions, will be no crash if exception occurs
//third param - onExceptionAction, if you want to handle exception after suppressing
Very small sample: https://github.com/AndreiMisiukevich/BaseViewModel/tree/master/BaseViewModel.Sample