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wassup.lua - WAyereless Site SUrveying Program
copyleft (¿) koniu <[email protected]>

wassup.lua is a script performing a wireless AP scan and presenting it
in a readable text format.

It depends on Lua 5.1 and can use any of the following scanning backends:
* iwlist(8) - from wireless-tools, based on wext and pretty standard
* iw(8) - nl80211 based utility, common on some newer systems
* libiwinfo - nice abstraction library available in OpenWrt trunk
* airport - standard OSX command line utility

It's intended to run as root which is needed for active scanning.

Originally written on and for use with OpenWrt, but should run on any
platform that features the above tools. Tested on Debian and OSX 10.6.5.


Usage: wassup.lua <options>

 -i <iface>     interface to use [wlan0]
 -d <delay>     delay between scan cycles [0]
 -r <repeat>    number of scan cycles [0 = forever]
 -b <buffer>    number of scans in a cycle [1]
 -m <method>    scan method [iw, iwinfo, iwlist or airport]

 -k <c1,c2,...> show columns [bssid,ch,s,essid,sig,min,avg,max,loss,enc]
 -s <c1,c2,...> sort by columns [sig,essid]
 -f <filter>    filter by string [none]
 -c <channel>   show only channel <num> [none]
 -l <leave>     show out-of-range APs for <leave> of cycles [f = forever]
 -g <c1,c2,...> highlight rows by field [enc,s]
 -o             obfuscate bssid and essid columns

 -C <cfgfile>   use settings from <cfgfile>
 -h             help yourself


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