- Last updated: 2022-03-11T12:13:49Z
- Generator: thi.ng/monopub
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See Conventional Commits for commit guidelines.
Note: Unlisted patch versions only involve non-code or otherwise excluded changes and/or version bumps of transitive dependencies.
5.0.0 (2022-03-11)
- rename color matrix fns (00fdc31)
- BREAKING CHANGE: rename color matrix fns
- add
suffix, e.g.grayscale()
- add
- add color theme strategies (22057e5)
- add strategy fns:
- add strategy fns:
- add variations() generator (91d760f)
- add max chroma LCH fns (ab4e67a)
- add/update color ops (33cb4a1)
- add
ops - add
ops - update impls for
- add/re-use internal multimethod dispatch fns
- add
- update ChannelSpec and hue-based modes (01d93dc)
- add
flag for channel spec - update
impl to wrap hue in [0..1] interval - add/update LCH conversion paths
- add
4.1.0 (2021-11-17)
- Using workspaces for local tools (bf7a404)
Improving the overall build ergonomics
- introduced a tools workspaces
- imported it in all needed packages/examples
- inclusive project root
- testrunner to binary (4ebbbb2) this commit reverts (partly) changes made in: ef346d7a8753590dc9094108a3d861a8dbd5dd2c overall purpose is better testament ergonomics: instead of having to pass NODE_OPTIONS with every invocation having a binary to handle this for us.
4.0.9 (2021-11-10)
- update all countdown loops (a5f374b)
4.0.1 (2021-10-13)
- update imports in all tests/pkgs (effd591)
- update imports in all pkgs (5fa2b6f)
- add .js suffix for all relative imports
4.0.0 (2021-10-12)
- major update of ALL pkgs (export maps, ESM only) (0d1d6ea)
- BREAKING CHANGE: discontinue CommonJS & UMD versions
- only ESM modules will be published from now on
- CJS obsolete due to ESM support in recent versions of node:
- i.e. launch NodeJS via:
node --experimental-specifier-resolution=node --experimental-repl-await
- in the node REPL use
await import(...)
instead ofrequire()
- UMD obsolete due to widespread browser support for ESM Also:
- normalize/restructure/reorg all package.json files
- cleanup all build scripts, remove obsolete
- switch from mocha to @thi.ng/testament for all tests
- Int32/ABGR/ARGB updates/fixes (d20e77c)
- update TypedColor (add IEqualsDelta, Iterable parents)
- add shared Int32.eqDelta() impl
- add ARGB/ABGR normalized channel value accessors
- fix various bugs in defInt() factory
- return correct type if no args given
- update return type in .mapBuffer()
- add internal __scale8bit() helper fn
- add mandatory toRgb conversions (6c4c13b)
- due to defColor() dynamically registering related conversions for a given color mode, deep imports might not make conversion routes available
- new mandatory
key in ColorSpec offers a fallback solution
- rename/migrate internal fns (5faa747)
- restructure package (bf9edcb)
- migrate/lift
source files to/src
for easier use
- migrate/lift
- sideeffect-free defmulti specs (9909909)
- update deps & imports in various pkgs (e1cf29e)
- largely related to recent updates/restructuring of these packages:
- api
- defmulti
- errors
- logger
- largely related to recent updates/restructuring of these packages:
- update imports (transducers) (0bc002c)
- update imports (c642082)
- update imports (00188f4)
- update imports (1736278)
- update all test stubs (f2d6d53)
- update all tests in all pkgs (8b582bc)
- update all to use @thi.ng/testament
3.2.0 (2021-08-04)
- add/update swatch functions (391ae4a)
- add dotsH/V()
- update swatchesH/V(), add
3.1.12 (2021-04-03)
- minor updates (7575146)
3.1.0 (2021-02-24)
- add .toString() impl (cc65bf0)
3.0.1 (2021-02-22)
- update compileThemePart() (b8ceed6)
- don't mutate original theme part if given as object
3.0.0 (2021-02-20)
- update types, CSS formatting (f0502a2)
- BREAKING CHANGE: remove obsolete resolveAsCss(), use css() instead
- update MaybeColor alias
- update TypedColor
- merge resolveAsCss() cases into css()
- fix color factory for int args
- major restructure, new types/conversions (6389f7c)
- BREAKING CHANGE: replace color classes w/ dynamically generated impls
- add ColorSpec, ColorType, ColorFactory types
- add defColor() color type factory based on declarative ColorSpec
- all color types now based on defColor()
- remove obsolete AColor class
- color factories now also act as converters
- add color() factory to wrap color in class for given mode
- remove CSS and Int types (use plain strings/ints now, and use css() or resolveAsCss() to convert to CSS strings)
- parseCss() now returns ParsedColor (circumvents circular deps)
- replace convert() w/ new simplified version
- add/update generic isGray(), isBlack(), isWhite(), luminance()
- major update/rename all types/conversions (4143c8f)
- BREAKING CHANGE: update/rename all color types/conversions
- rename YCbCrA => YCC
- remove
suffix from all color types (e.g.HSVA
etc.) - accordingly, rename all conversions (e.g.
) - rename
accessor in all color types (previously a mixture of.a
, now always latter) - standardize casing in all function names (now always camelCase)
- resolveAsCss() untyped default now sRGB
- rename distSatHsv() => distHsvSat()
- rename distLumaHsv() => distHsvLuma()
- rename distLumaRGB() => distRgbLuma()
- add distChannel() HOF
- add basic convert() support for Lab<>LCH<>CSS
- add/update docstrings
- update colorFromRange(), colorsFromRange() and colorsFromTheme() to return wrapped HSV colors
- add multiColorGradient(), update cos version (dc88f37)
- BREAKING CHANGE: multiCosineGradient() args now given as options object
- add MultiGradientOpts
- add support for per-interval easing
- add support for result color coercion
- new parseCSS(), add SRGBA, update conversions (f748d65)
- BREAKING CHANGE: parseCSS() now returns wrapped color types,
not raw RGBA arrays as previously
- parseCSS() now returns SRGBA, HSLA, LAB or LCH color types and supports more CSS syntax opts
- all asXXX() functions also return wrapped colors, only asCSS() still returns strings
- add SRGBA type/color mode reserve existing RGBA for linear colors (non-gamma corrected)
- rename existing conversions, now using SRGBA (i.e. srgbaCss(), srgbaInt()), add new versions for (now linear) RGBA
- parseCSS() RGB colors now result in SRGB instances, use asRGBA() or srgbRgba() to convert to linear RGB
- replace proximity functions (7a0be62)
- add new proximity() HOF to replace proximityHsv/Rgb()
- add/update distance functions (6d15065)
- add distCIEDE2000()
- add distCMC()
- rename distRgb() => distEucledian3
- add distEucledian4
- update ColorMix & gradient types/functions (829fcf6)
- add/update conversions (e979044)
- update ColorFactory, TypedColor (8c5f8fb)
- add
impl - expose
in color factories - add support for longer conversions (2-4 steps) in defConversions()
- add
- generic isBlack/Gray/White, LCH color ranges (598afdf)
- update ColorRange, ColorRangeOpts and related fns to switch HSV -> LCH
- add generic analog() (for all color types) (117a5bc)
- use RGB fallbacks for Lab/LCH CSS (53ddaeb)
- keep existing conversions, but disable until browser support is ready
- add Int32.alpha accessor, minor update int->srgb (b65f9ee)
- add TypedColor/ColorFactory.range impls (7ecfa0c)
- convert mix() to defmulti, color mode aware (faed98b)
- add gradient and mix fns (f31966c)
- add cosineGradientBuffer()
- add multiColorGradientBuffer()
- add defMix(), mixHsl(), mixLch() fns
- remove obsolete mixAlpha() (use porter-duff pkg for alpha blending)
- add setPrecision(), LCH cleanup (778f84a)
- improve int ARGB/ABGR support (6460e4d)
- add CSS conversions
- add ARGB<>ABGR swapping
- add converters for RGB/SRGB
- add ARGB32/ABGR32 int types/conversions (1993beb)
- rename existing int conversion fns
- add versions for ARGB/ABGR orders
- add/update luminance fns
- minor update defConversions()
- add sortMapped() for mapped memory cols (9a548ec)
- add lab D50/65 conv, update HSx<>CSS conv (014e41d)
- add labLabD50_65/D65_50()
- add lab65 -> CSS conversion (always as D50)
- since there's no official requirement, allow direct conversions from sRGB to various HSx modes (also to be backward compatible)
- split Lab & XYZ types into D50/D65 (29e1e74)
- add LabD50/D65, add XYZD50/XYZD65
- rename factory fns (labD50/D65, xyzD50/D65)
- update/simplify ColorSpec in all color type defs
- add tools/limits.ts to sample RGB gamut limits, add to color defs
- add TypedColor.clamp(), update defColor()
- fix Oklab<>XYZ conversions (use D65 as default)
- update/restructure types, add buffer mapping (cebaafa)
- add ColorFactory.mapBuffer()
- add ColorFactory/TypedColor.random()
- update all color class declarations
- split api.ts into /api subdir
- update css()
- add/update luminance & YCC conversion (89ca131)
- add SRGB luminance versions, update RGB version to use linear weights
- update RGB<>YCC conversion fns (configurable luma)
- update grayscale(), luminanceAlpha() default coeffs to use linear RGB weights
- add/update Lab/XYZ/LCH conversions (9feb251)
- add D50/D65 white points & matrices
- add Lab<>XYZ<>RGB conversions (for diff white points)
- update/fix Lab/LCH CSS formatting
- update mulV33 to NOT clamp result by default
- add rgbSrgbApprox() and vice versa (c1efada)
- add XYY mode (7a743f2)
- currently only conversions from/to XYZ
- add AColor.set() (7e7a05c)
- add AColor.toJSON() (ee96412)
- better handling for memory mapped colors
- add wavelengthXyza() (d29ce23)
- add SystemColors and defaults (16bad21)
- update CSS_NAMES (7ea0cf0)
- add barebones support for LAB & LCH (6e3b8c9)
- add XYZ/Oklab conversions, update/fix XYZ matrices (e07a038)
- add/refactor oklab conversions (XYZ / RGBA / CSS)
- RGB_XYZ / XYZ_RGB matrices were row-major, now correctly column major
- add Oklab color space support (57a5bad)
- kelvinRgb() results are sRGB (31cd4b5)
- don't clamp Oklab/XYZ<>RGB conversions (fab3639)
- unconstrained analog() for some modes (439265b)
- rescale labXyz(), use D50 for LCH->RGB (9e59545)
- fix typo in parseHex, update parse helpers (a7315c0)
- div-by-zero in XYY<>XYZ conversions (8a71c6e)
- update Lab/LCH rules in parseCss() (cb7f15e)
- update resolveAsCss() (0e7e955)
- constrain arg type, add string test/case
- normalize LCH hue channel (c0b9e9d)
- fix resolveAsCSS() (7b1eeff)
- color mode field is a string now, not number anymore
- wi/o this fix any non-RGB color would be wrongly interpreted as RGBA
- make defColor() fixed for 4 channels (4ea77ef)
- update color range presets (9353c93)
- adjust/balance settings for LCH (from former HSV configs)
- update parseHex 3/4 digit handling (7424906)
- update types (729db15)
- update LAB<>LCH conversions (eb03c89)
- add ColorRangeOpts.base, update related fns (e06c7ee)
- move base arg into ColorRangeOpts
- update colorFromRange(), colorsFromRange(), colorsFromTheme()
- update colorFromRange(), asThemePart() (2e4e14d)
- add/rename luminance consts, add docs (9d43274)
- replace ensureHue() w/ fract() (1499904)
- update int-int fns, docs, readme (1ef7341)
- re-use swapLane13() for ARGB<>ABGR
- update deps
- update CSS ref links
- update readme
- rename fns in gradient gen tool (69e2287)
- update sortMapped() (6b5fed9)
- update backing buffer types (b5661db)
- use NumericArray (see related change in 0e4edb793)
- rename dynamic class in defColor() (4c846d6)
- update css() (655dd32)
- simplify defColor() factory fn (afc300c)
- simplify int24Css() (ebe3948)
- update ColorSpec handling (d5d605e)
- make ChannelSpecs optional, update defaults handling in defColor()
- rename GRADIENTS => COSINE_GRADIENTS (22fe0de)
- migrate multiColorGradient() to separate file
- update args for swatch fns (e5b1b9b)
- add/update pkg exports (f6826dd)
- minor update mode getter impls (bacc446)
2.1.0 (2021-01-02)
- update ColorRangeOpts, add docstrings (350fbe5)
- add color swatch hiccup helpers (5ecc528)
- add sortColors(), comparators (6761feb)
- add declarative range/theme iterators (971d5dc)
- add ColorRange related types
- add ColorRange presets
- add colorFromRange()
- add colorsFromRange(), colorsFromTheme() iterators
- add analogHSV(), analogRGB() functions
- add HSV/RGB gray axis checks (927202b)
- add HSV/RGB distance fns (3bd3969)
- fix cosineGradient() return type (651590c)
- replace ColorThemePartString (efbb6f3)
- add ColorThemePartTuple
- update asThemePart() to convert tuple versions
- to avoid TS typecheck perf issues w/ the template literal string, switch to a tuple format for theme parts
- update swatch tool
- update color range iterators (ea1acc8)
- update colorsFromTheme() & asThemePart() to precompute spec details
- minor update colorFromRange() (opts)
- add/migrate types for presets (a8e815b)
2.0.0 (2020-12-22)
1.3.2 (2020-12-07)
- update type-only imports (2808adf)
1.3.0 (2020-11-24)
- add GradientPresets type, update GRADIENTS (985b719)
- allows for autocomplete of gradient IDs
1.2.16 (2020-09-13)
- update types, imports (f0fa5b0)
1.2.0 (2020-05-29)
- add gradient presets (2f93581)
1.1.12 (2020-04-05)
- switch to non-const enums (1802fbe)
1.1.6 (2020-02-25)
- update imports, internal restruct (592409c)
1.1.2 (2019-11-09)
- update/rename imports (vectors pkg) (7cb8877)
- values() => stridedValues()
- update multiCosineGradient() (0359d4a)
- update tween() args due to API change
- update wrapSides/tween call sites in various pkgs (ee8200c)
1.1.0 (2019-08-21)
- add resolveAsCSS(), update deps (f96ac92)
- add @thi.ng/checks as explicit dep
1.0.2 (2019-08-16)
- add proper rounding to rgbaInt() (d956954)
1.0.0 (2019-07-31)
- remove PD related functions, update readme (5d868db)
- BREAKING CHANGE: Porter-Duff ops & pre/post-multiply moved to new package @thi.ng/porter-duff
- update factory fn args for mem-mapped colors (eae671e)
- add support for opt offset/stride (was already supported by class ctors)
- update shared
0.2.0 (2019-07-07)
- TS strictNullChecks, update color conversion fns (04dc356)
- enable TS strict compiler flags (refactor) (8c13166)
- reformat color matrices in transform.ts
0.1.11 (2019-03-10)
- update Fn args in various packages (e453ac3)
0.1.10 (2019-03-04)
- add/update luminanceRGB/luminanceInt, add to re-exports (566cf02)
0.1.7 (2019-02-28)
- update ColorMode & Hue const enum handling (bb71b7c)
- remove reverse
hack - should fix bundling issues w/ webpack
- remove reverse
0.1.3 (2019-02-05)
- update imports (zip) (2904590)
0.1.0 (2019-01-21)
- remove circular dependencies, update parseCss() (5ca5803)