A powerful 🚀 Android chart view / graph view library, supporting line- bar- pie- radar- bubble- and candlestick charts as well as scaling, panning and animations.
🔥 Android developers should collect the following utils(updating).
阿里云计算平台DataWorks( 团队出品,为监控而生的数据库连接池
🔥下拉刷新、上拉加载、二级刷新、淘宝二楼、RefreshLayout、OverScroll,Android智能下拉刷新框架,支持越界回弹、越界拖动,具有极强的扩展性,集成了几十种炫酷的Header和 Footer。
A Java serialization/deserialization library to convert Java Objects into JSON and back
Luban(鲁班)—Image compression with efficiency very close to WeChat Moments/可能是最接近微信朋友圈的图片压缩算法
This is a picker view for android , support linkage effect, timepicker and optionspicker.(时间选择器、省市区三级联动)
🎆 A well-designed local image and video selector for Android
android java and javascript bridge, inspired by wechat webview jsbridge
Android view for displaying PDFs rendered with PdfiumAndroid
Android Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) Fast Development Framework. It uses simple ways to filter, scan, connect, read ,write, notify, readRssi, setMTU, and multiConnection.
A library that provides access to Android hidden APIs and internal resources.
C-OCR是携程自研的OCR项目,主要包括身份证、护照、火车票、签证等旅游相关证件、材料的识别。 项目包含4个部分,拒识、检测、识别、后处理。
Custom implement Android WebView cache, offline website, let cahe config more simple and flexible
A Java library for sending APNs (iOS/macOS/Safari) push notifications
Image doodle for Android, with functions such as undo, zoom, move, text, image, etc. Also a powerful, customizable and extensible doodle framework & multi-function drawing board. Android图片涂鸦,具有撤消,缩…