- Skype: RobinKuiper.eu
- Discord: Atheos#1095
- My Discord Server: https://discord.gg/AcC9VME
- Roll20: https://app.roll20.net/users/1226016/robin
- Roll20 Wiki: https://wiki.roll20.net/Script:Concentration
- Roll20 Thread: https://app.roll20.net/forum/post/6364317/script-concentration/?pageforid=6364317#post-6364317
- Github: https://github.com/RobinKuiper/Roll20APIScripts
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Concentration keeps track of characters concentration, and reminds to do a concentration check.
If you use the 5e OGL character sheet, it can also automaticly add the concentrating marker when a concentrating spell is cast.
- !concentration
- Shows the config menu without tokens selected.
- Toggles concentration on selected tokens.
- Command - Which command you want to use for this script.
- Statusmarker - Which statusmarker you want to use for concentration.
- HP Bar - Which bar do you use as the HP bar?
- Send Reminder To - To who you want to send the reminder.
- Auto Add Con. Marker - Automatically add the concentration marker when a concentration spell is cast (works only for the 5e OGL sheet at the moment).
- Auto Roll Save - If you want to Automatically roll the saving throw.
- Bonus Attribute - Which attribute to use for the bonus modifier (defaulted to the constitution saving throw for the 5e OGL sheet).
- Advantage Menu - Shows a list of characters, where you can toggle which characters have advantage when autorolling the concentration save.
- Changed advantage system on autoroll.
- Fix where huge damage would crash the api.
- Optionally autoroll with advantage.
- Optionally show roll button when not using autorolling.
can now have another argument to name the spell, eg.!concentration Bless
can be used by players (for controlled characters) now.
with tokens selected will now toggle the statusmarker on them.
- If you use autoroll, and the save failed, it will automatically remove the statusmarker.
- Auto Roll Saves (Optional)
01-05-2018 - 0.1.8
- Bugfix.
28-04-2018 - 0.1.7
- Remove statusmarker from all objects when removed.
25-04-2018 - 0.1.5
- Correct whisper target on spell cast concentration check.