These are the steps to set up the dataset:-
- Just use the images of the dataset given in the DSMLP cluster in /datasets/COCO-2015/
- Create a sub-directory in the project root named datasets/
- Create another sub-directory within it named as COCO/
- For the captions, download the annotations from the MS COCO website.
- Download the training set annotations as a zip file from here
- Inflate inside the ./datasets/COCO/
- Similary, download the zip file for 2014 testing image information from here and follow step 6.
- Similarly, download the zip file for the 2015 testing image information from here and follow step 6.
These are the steps to get your COCO dataset image loader up and running :-
- Clone this repo recursively. To do this, run
cd src/
git submodule update --init --recursive
- Build the submodule by running the following
cd src/cocoapi/PythonAPI/
- Additionally symlink the pycocotools in the cocoapi's PythonAPI directory into src/ This can be done by the following
cd src/
ln -s ./cocoapi/PythonAPI/pycocotools ./