This folder contains a set of deployments used to show the migration steps taken by the Helm chart from a SCK deployment.
You can see how this test executes as part of Github actions in .github/workflows/migration_tests.yaml
You can recreate the execution of the step on your machine with the following set up steps.
- Check out the repository
- Install kubectl, helm as per root README.
- Set up a kind cluster with a few default utilities:
export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kube-config-splunk-otel-collector-chart-migration-testing export K8S_VERSION=v1.28.0 kind create cluster --kubeconfig=$KUBECONFIG --config=.github/workflows/configs/kind-config.yaml --image=kindest/node:$K8S_VERSION --name=migration-tests kubectl get csr -o=jsonpath='{range.items[?(@.spec.signerName=="")]}{}{" "}{end}' | xargs kubectl certificate approve make cert-manager
- Deploy a collector as a service that can act as a log sink for HEC traffic, alongside with a deployment that outputs logs every second:
kubectl apply -f migration_tests/collector_deployment.yaml
- Deploy SCK
helm repo add sck helm install --wait sck -f migration_tests/sck_values.yaml sck/splunk-connect-for-kubernetes
- Now that SCK is deployed, wait 10s to generate enough logs:
sleep 10
- Uninstall SCK:
helm uninstall --wait sck
- Collect logs collected so far:
pod=$(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -lapp=collector-logsink) kubectl exec -it $pod -- cat /tmp/output.log | grep -Eo '"body":{"stringValue":"APP LOG LINE \d+' | awk '{print $4}' > sck_logs.log
- Install SOCK:
helm install --wait sock -f migration_tests/sock_values.yaml helm-charts/splunk-otel-collector
- Wait additional 10s to produce more logs
sleep 10
- Check the collector deployment logs:
pod=$(kubectl get pods --no-headers -o custom-columns="" -lapp=collector-logsink) kubectl exec $pod -- cat /tmp/output.log | grep -Eo '"body":{"stringValue":"APP LOG LINE [[:digit:]]+' | awk '{print $4}' > sock_logs.log
- Check we have no duplicates:
dupes=$(cat sock_logs.log | sort | uniq -d) if [[ -n $dupes ]]; then echo "Duplicates detected: $dupes" fi