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正式开始前请确保你在身体上和精神上都处于合适的状态,请刻意练习,残酷面对 🆒。 报名需要按要求认真填写下面 [ YourName ] 自我介绍部分,方便大家互相认识,报名通过审核即可开始自主学习。
Hello everyone, my name is Huo Shixiong, and I am on an exciting journey into the world of web3. I am passionate about blockchain technology, decentralized finance (DeFi), and the transformative potential of this emerging industry.I am committed to continuous learning and growth, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead. I am open to new experiences and always ready to contribute my insights and perspectives to the community.
Yes 100%.
- A-Programmers-Guide-to-English 重新认识英语这门语言 ❤️ 预计 1 天,已学的可忽略
- 从 0 开始学习英语语法 构成英语的基石:语法 ❤️ 预计 1 天,已学的可忽略
- 每日英语听写 Daily English Dictation 1-400 「听写」对于「听和说」是最有效的方式 ❤️ 预计 18 天,进度是每天至少 2-5 节,每次听写尽量写出来具体的内容,可以总结生词/概述所学/复盘。最后 1 天对本期残酷共学复盘总结
- 其它:扩展资料或其它你认为适合自己的英语学习资料。
CP 组队: 希望大家主动认识,互相监督学习和打卡,好好享受这 21 天英语共学之旅。
Notes Proof : 格式仅供参考
- 问题思考示例:
- 英语音标发音有哪些值得注意的(易错的或难读的)?
- 英语听说读写哪个板块你比较擅长或者不擅长,基于自己情况制定学习计划,和大家交流的方向?
- 听写笔记示例:
- Dictation:将自己听到的内容记下。
- Fix: 对照原句看看哪些听错了进行标记并总结,比如:是单词不认识、还是发音不熟悉、或是断句不正确、或是其它。
- 笔记证明 Notes Proof 下方的
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不要删除。 - 每天的学习证明记录格式:以时间年月日
### 2024.10.08
看完之后我知道,这是一个长期的事情,并不是21天能完成的任务。所以我明确了我的任务,每天刷麦克米伦7000并且完成Daily English Dictation 1-400。
Daily Dictation Number 1:
我的答案:Mother **,who ** peace ** her work ** poor, ** india.she is 87 years old.
正确答案:Mother Teresa,who received a Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor,dies in Calcutta,India-she was 87 years old.
Daily Dictation Number 2:
我的答案:Jerry,what time do you have? I have 5 o'clock.(正确)
Daily Dictation Number 3:
我的答案:There are three things I have ** Never ** people; **, ** and the Great ** .
正确答案:There are three things I have learned never to discuss with people:religion,politics and the Great Pumpkin!
Daily Dictation Number 4:
我的答案:Dont ** tell you,you cant do something!
正确答案:Dont ever let somebody tell you,you cant do someting!
Daily Dictation Number 5:
我的答案:I have come here to ** and kick ass..and ** all ** .
正确答案:I have come here to chew bubblegum and kick ass..and Im all out of bubblegum!
Daily Dictation Number 6:
我的答案:The secent of life * just ** is moment.
正确答案:The secret of life is just to live every moment.
Daily Dictation Number 7:
我的答案:Another ** trader ** cost ** billions.
正确答案:Another rogue trader has cost a bank billions.
1.'To' has seven diffrient sounds: to, tah, tuh, t, dah, duh, d.
2.Kick ass: fighting with somebody.
3.'Out of' sounds like 'outta', that's the reason why I write 'are the'.
4.All out of: don't have any more.
Daily Dictation Number 8:
我的答案:German, *** ,*** most *** ;hes got 453.
正确答案:German,Rolf Bushholz,is the man with the most piercings;hes got 453.
Daily Dictation Number 9:
我的答案:** carry to space ** 20 years old is about to fall to earth,but nobody knows where the **.
正确答案:A satellite that was carried to space aboard shuttle discovery 20 years ago is about to fall to earth,but nobody knows where the debris will hit.
Daily Dictation Number 10:
我的答案:Its a loftly,probably impossible goal.
正确答案:Its a lofty,probably impossible goal.
Daily Dictation Number 11:
正确答案:New York swept the Tampa Bay Rays by identical 4 - 2 scores in a day-night doubleheader wednesday.