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post |
Christian |
Melendez |
Programming DevOps Cloud SRE |
Madrid |
I started as a software developer, and more recently I became a cloud architect focused on helping companies to implement continuous delivery pipelines. I'm also a technical writer for topics around Kubernetes, containers, cloud, and DevOps. I've contributed to the community and for some companies with talks and workshops too. |
christianmldz |
christianmldz |
christian.melendez.html | |
You can learn more about what I've done at my LinkedIn, blog o profiles like InfoQ. I also have a YouTube channel where I share content in Spanish.
Things I could help you with:
- Kubernetes & Docker
- Terraform & Ansible
- Clouds like AWS, Azure, and Google
- Continuous Delivery (CD) / Continuous Integration (CI)
- Design Scalable and Reslient Architectures
- Incident Management
- Programming Practices