A Clojure client interface to ElephantDB.
Assuming a domain with string keys and values serialized to byte arrays:
(use 'elephantdb.client)
;; serialize strings to byte arrays
(defn serialize-strings [coll]
(map #(.getBytes %) coll))
;; deserialize results map back to strings
(defn deserialize-strings [m]
(into {} (for [[k v] m]
[(String. k) (String. v)])))
;; are all domain fully loaded?
(with-elephant "" 3578 connection
(fully-loaded? connection))
;; => true
;; what domains are available?
(with-elephant "" 3578 connection
(get-domains connection))
;; => ["rappers"]
(with-elephant "" 3578 connection
(deserialize-strings (multi-get connection "rappers" (serialize-strings ["biggie" "tupac"])))
;; => {"biggie" "east-coast", "tupac" "west-coast"}