Opens the selected text in a VS Code text file
Demo video link (
- Open extensions tab in Chrome, turn developer mode on
- Select
, then select the extension folder in dialog box
- Copy
of the extension (make sure there isn't any whitespace, you can double-click theID
and copy the selection to avoid this )
- Go back to extension folder and run install.bat from
folder - Paste the id (Ctrl + V) or (Win + V) to open clipboard and then select the id
- Press enter
- That's it, go to any page, then right-click & select 'Edit with VS Code' from the context menu (Refresh older tabs, i.e., those already open before extension was installed, to make this run on those tabs)
- Tested only on Chrome
- Runs in Windows only (batch files & registry editor)
- Opens text only in a text file in a temp directory, I'll see if file types can be set while opening with VS Code
- Make sure to run install.bat, otherwise it won't run
- Make sure VS Code directory is in
of windows - Refreshing the page is necessary, after installing the extension (otherwise content-script doesn't run)
- This is very unlikely but make sure you have powershell installed
GNU General Public License Version 3
PR's are welcome, but fork the project and do so only in dev
Hritwik Som (Apprentice76)