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Free live chat widget linked to your telegram messenger.

Embed Intergram in your website with these 2 simple steps

  1. Open Telegram, search for @Intergram and hit /start to get your unique chat ID.

  1. Paste this snippet right before the closing body tag of every page where you want the chat to appear (Don't forget to add your real chat ID).
<script> window.intergramId = <Your unique chat ID> </script>
<script id="intergram" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

Deploy your own Intergram instance (The hard way)

  1. Talk to Telegram @BotFather, create a new bot and get its API Token.

  2. Deploy this repo to your own chat server.

  • Clone it locally or if you use Heroku, fork this repository and point the new app to it.
  • Set an .env varible named TELEGRAM_TOKEN with the value you got from @BotFather
  1. Setup the webhook for the bot server by making a GET request to the following url<TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=<Server url>/hook (Don't forget to replace with your token and server url)

  2. Open a chat with your bot and hit /start to get your unique chat ID

  3. Embed this sinpet in your website

  window.intergramId = <Your unique chat ID>
  window.intergramIFrameSrc = <Server url> + '/chat.html'
<script id="intergram" type="text/javascript" src="<Server url>/js/widget.js"></script>
  1. 🎉