Free live chat widget linked to your telegram messenger.
- Open Telegram, search for
and hit/start
to get your unique chat ID.
- Paste this snippet right before the closing body tag of every page where you want the chat to appear (Don't forget to add your real chat ID).
<script> window.intergramId = <Your unique chat ID> </script>
<script id="intergram" type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
Note: replying to a specific message should be used to respond to that specific visitor. Sending a standard message will broadcast to all connected chat clients (That might be easier if you have only one active conversation)
I have tried to keep the footprint as small as possible.
- Preact
- The widget injection script is about 5KB gziped and executes only after the host page finished loading ('onload' event).
- The chat iframe will only be loaded if the user interacts with the chat widget (currently about 40KB gziped).
Talk to Telegram @BotFather, create a new bot and get its API Token.
Deploy this repo to your own chat server.
- Clone it locally and install or if you use Heroku, fork this repository and point the new app to it.
- Set an .env varible named
with the value you got from @BotFather
Point the bot webhook to your bot server by making a
request to the following url<TOKEN>/setWebhook?url=<Server url>/hook
(Don't forget to replace with your token and server url) -
Open a chat with your bot and hit
to get your unique chat ID -
Embed this sinpet in your website
window.intergramId = <Your unique chat ID>
window.intergramIFrameSrc = <Server url> + '/chat.html'
<script id="intergram" type="text/javascript" src="<Server url>/js/widget.js"></script>
- 🎉