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Arcade Docker Compose Guide

This guide provides detailed instructions on how to set up and run Arcade using Docker Compose.


Getting Started

1. Clone the Repository

Begin by cloning the Arcade repository:

git clone

Change to the docker directory:

cd arcade-ai/docker

2. Copy and Configure Environment Variables

Copy the example environment file to .env:

cp env.example .env

Open the .env file in your preferred text editor and fill in the required values. At a minimum, you must provide the OPENAI_API_KEY:

### LLM ###


If you plan to use other Large Language Model (LLM) providers, add their API keys as well:


3. Run Docker Compose

Start the Arcade services using Docker Compose:

docker compose up

This command will build and start all the services defined in the docker-compose.yml file and make their ports available to your host machine.

4. Verify the Engine is Running

In a separate terminal window, check if the engine is running:

curl http://localhost:9099/v1/health

You should receive a response indicating that the engine is healthy:

{ "status": "healthy" }

Open a browser and navigate to http://localhost:9099/dashboard to view the Arcade dashboard.

Adding Authentication Providers

Arcade supports various authentication providers. To add an auth provider, follow these steps:

1. Enable the Auth Provider in the Configuration

Edit the docker.engine.yaml file to enable the desired auth provider. For example, to enable Google authentication, modify the file as follows:

    - id: google
      enabled: true  # Change from false to true

2. Add Client ID and Secret to the .env File

Obtain the client ID and client secret from your auth provider and add them to the .env file:


Repeat this step for any other auth providers you wish to enable.

3. Restart the Docker Compose Services

After making changes to the configuration, restart the services:

docker compose down
docker compose up


  • Engine Health Check Fails: Ensure that all environment variables are correctly set in the .env file and that the services have started without errors.
  • Port Conflicts: If the default ports are already in use, modify the ports in the docker-compose.yml file.
  • Authentication Errors: Double-check the client IDs and secrets provided for auth providers.

NOTE: arcade login will not work within a docker container, you must copy your credentials into the container if you would like to use it.