Welcome to the repository for our backend API project, built with FastAPI. This API is designed to serve as the backbone for our wallet application, handling tasks such as user authentication, data management, and server-side logic.
Clone this repository to set up the project locally, then proceed to the next instructions:
mkdir security && cd security
openssl genrsa -out api.pem 2048
openssl rsa -in api.pem -pubout -outform PEM -out api.crt
cd ..
docker build . -t <container_name>
docker run -v ./security:./security <container_name>
└── wallet/
├── auth/ # contains logic related to user authentication and authorization
├── models/ # describes data structures and interaction with the database
├── routes/ # routes, defines URLs and associated handlers
├── view/ # the definitions and annotations of entities' fields
├── app.py # contains the creation and configuration of the application instance
├── errors.py # manages custom exceptions and error handling
└── main.py # entry point to the application