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168 lines (136 loc) · 12.8 KB

File metadata and controls

168 lines (136 loc) · 12.8 KB


  • category: Components
  • family: DataEntry
  • chinese: 选择器
  • type: 表单


When to use


If you don't expect the user-entered values ​​to take effect but just select, use Select. You can also use Select's showSearch property to filter.


AutoComplete retains the values ​​entered by the user, essentially the Input component, which extends the capabilities of autocomplete, so the properties of the Input component can be passed directly.

common problem

There is a similar warning for flatternChildren

Select uses value as the key of the menu item by default. If the key value is not set, the default sequence index is used as the key value to ensure that these values ​​do not duplicate.

Use of dataSource

Select supports both children and dataSource as the data source in the props. If set at the same time, children will prevail.

Note: 1. Select uses value as the key value of the rendered menu item by default, so value cannot be repeated, otherwise the drop-down menu cannot be rendered. 2. Value does not allow null/undefined/object/array type values

  1. The way children
    <Select.Option value="option1">option1</Select.Option>
    <Select.Option value="option2">option2</Select.Option>
    <Select.Option disabled>disabled</Select.Option>
  1. The way props
const dataSource = [
    {label:'option1', value:'option1'},
    {label:'option2', value:'option2'},
    {label:'disabled', disabled:true}
<Select dataSource={dataSource}/>

Customize Popup Layer

See the Embedded layer customization in the example. The only thing to notice is that the elements of overlay remember to pass through props. This is because the layer's animation of the overlay is implemented by className. If you don't pass props, you will not be able to listen to the end of the animation.



Param Descripiton Type Default Value
Size selector size

optional values:
'small', 'medium', 'large'
Enum 'medium'
value Current value for controlled mode any -
defaultValue initial default any -
onChange Callback that fires when Select changes

Function(value: mixed, actionType: String) => void
value: {mixed} Selected value
actionType: {String} Triggered, 'itemClick', 'enter', 'tag'
item: {mixed} value in dataSource(only useDetailValue=false)
Function func.noop
placeholder placeholder when there is no value ReactNode -
autoWidth Drop-down menu to align with selector Boolean true
label custom inline label ReactNode -
hasClear Clear button Boolean -
state validate state

'error', 'loading'
Enum -
readOnly Is read-only, can be expanded in read-only mode but cannot be selected Boolean -
disabled Disable selectors Boolean -
visible The current shell is displayed Boolean -
defaultVisible Does the layer initialization show Boolean -
onVisibleChange Callback triggered when the layer is displayed or hidden

Function(visible: Boolean) => void
visible: {Boolean} Does the shell display
Function func.noop
popupContainer shell container node String/Function -
popupClassName className of the shell any -
popupStyle Inline style of the shell Object -
popupProps Attributes added to the shell Object {}
followTrigger follow Trigger or not Boolean -
popupContent Content of custom shell ReactNode -
filterLocal Whether to use local filtering, turn this off when the data source is remote Boolean true
filter A local filter method that returns a Boolean value to determine whether to keep

Function() => void
Function filter
dataSource The incoming data source that can dynamically render children, as described in [DataSource Usage] (Use of #dataSource) Array<Object/Boolean/Number/String> -
itemRender How to render MenuItem content

Function(item: Object, searchValue: String) => ReactNode
item: {Object} Item for render node
searchValue: {String} Search keyword (if search is enabled)
**Return value:
{ReactNode} item node
Function -
mode Selector mode

** Optional **:
'single', 'multiple', 'tag'
Enum 'single'
notFoundContent Empty copy of the shell content ReactNode 'No options'
hasBorder Whether there is a border Boolean -
showSearch Can search after expansion (fixed to true in tag mode) Boolean false
onSearch Callback when the search box value changes

Function(value: String) => void
value: {String } Data
Function func.noop
onSearchClear Callback when the search box value is cleared

Function(value: String) => void
actionType: {String} triggered method, 'itemClick', 'popupClose'
Function func.noop
hasSelectAll Is there a Select All Function in Multiselect Mode Boolean/String -
fillProps key to fill the value of the select box key?? String -
useDetailValue value returned by onChange object using dataSource Boolean -
cacheValue dataSource keeps the selected content Boolean true
valueRender Methods for rendering Select to display content

** Parameters**:
item: {Object} Render node's item
**return value **:
{ReactNode} show content
Function item => item.label || item.value
searchValue Controlled search value, generally not set String -
tagInline show in one line or not Boolean false
adjustTagSize Set if the size of tag should be the same as select, only takes effect when mode is multiple or tag Boolean false
maxTagCount max count of tag can be show Number -
maxTagPlaceholder if selected tags' length is over maxTagCount, what to show

Function(selectedValues: object, totalValues: object) => void
selectedValues: {object} selected values
totalValues: {object} all values
Function (selected, total) => ${selected} / ${total}
onRemove tag Delete callback

Function(item: object) => void
item: {object} Render node's Item
Function func.noop
onFocus focus event

Function() => void
Function func.noop
onBlur blur event

Function() => void
Function func.noop
onToggleHighlightItem callback func while highlight item changed

Function() => void
Function func.noop
hiddenSelected hide menu after selected (only mode="multiple" or "tag") Boolean -
popupAutoFocus whether autofocus to popup Boolean false


Param Descripiton Type Default Value
size selector size

optional values:
'small', 'medium', 'large'
Enum 'medium'
value current value for controlled mode String/Number -
defaultValue Initialization Default String/Number -
onChange Callback that fires when Select changes

Function(value: mixed, actionType: String) => void
value: {mixed} selected value
actionType: {String} triggered method, 'itemClick', 'enter', 'change'
Function -
placeholder placeholder when there is no value ReactNode -
autoWidth Drop-down menu to align with selector Boolean true
label custom inline label ReactNode -
hasClear Clear button Boolean -
state validate state

'error', 'loading'
Enum -
readOnly Is read-only, can be expanded in read-only mode but cannot be selected Boolean -
disabled Disable selectors Boolean -
visible The current shell is displayed Boolean -
defaultVisible Does the layer initialization show Boolean -
popupContainer shell container node String/Function -
popupClassName className of the shell any -
popupStyle Inline style of the shell Object -
popupProps Attributes added to the shell Object {}
followTrigger follow Trigger or not Boolean -
popupContent Content of custom shell ReactNode -
filterLocal Whether to use local filtering, turn this off when the data source is remote Boolean true
filter Local filter method, returning a Boolean value to determine whether to keep

Function() => void
Function filter
dataSource Incoming data source that can dynamically render children Array<Object/String> -
itemRender How to render MenuItem content

Function(item: Object) => ReactNode
item: {Object} Rendering The node's item
return value:
{ReactNode} item node
Function -
fillProps key?? of the value filled into the selection box, default value String 'value'
onToggleHighlightItem callback func while highlight item changed

Function() => void
Function func.noop


Param Descripiton Type Default Value
label Grouping text ReactNode -


Param Descripiton Type Default Value
value option value any -
disabled disabled Boolean -

Select/AutoComplete Inner Methods(Got by refs)

Param Descripiton Type Default Value
focus get foucs

Function(start:Number, end: Number)
start: {Number} cursor postion
end: {Number} select end postion

ARIA and KeyBoard

按键 说明
Up Arrow Get the previous item focus of the current item
Down Arrow Get the next item focus of the current item
Enter Open the list or select current item
Esc Close the list