- JDK 1.8
- QT 5.10.1
- CxxTest 4.3
- Clang & LLVM 7.0 (doesn't quite work for windows, use unix setup below and skip all the ninja stuff)(installation guide http://clang.llvm.org/docs/LibASTMatchersTutorial.html)
- Boost 1.68
- Botan 2.1.0
- Image Magick 7.0.6
- ccache (Unix)
- Visual Leak Detector (Windows)
- Wix 3.11 (Windows)
- Winrar (Windows)
- CXX_TEST_DIR - .../cxxtest-4.3
- CLANG_DIR - .../clang-llvm
- BOOST_DIR - .../boost_1_68_0
- BOTAN_DIR - .../Botan-2.1.0
For MacOS and Linux
- QT_DIR - .../Qt/Qt5.10.1/5.10.1/
- LLVM_DIR - .../clang-llvm
For Windows:
- QT_WIN32_DIR - .../Qt/Qt5.10.1/5.10.1/msvc2015
- QT_WIN64_DIR - .../Qt/Qt5.10.1/5.10.1/msvc2015_64
- VLD_DIR - .../Visual Leak Detector
- JAVA_HOME - .../Java/jdk1.x.x_xxx
- path
- append path to git.exe
- append path to jdk/bin
- append path to VisualStudio/Common7/Tools
- append path to VisualStudio/Common7/IDE
- append path to .../Microsoft SDKs/Windows/v7.1A/Bin (for uuidgen in deploy script)
- append path to .../WiX Toolset v3.11/bin
- append path to .../WinRAR
- install ccache
- if ccache is in path it will be used for recompilation
For Windows: Execute Cmake twice (once for each target compiler (32 and 64 bit)). Set the respective build path to ${CLANG_DIR}/build_win32 or ${CLANG_DIR}/build_win64
For Windows: Build the Boost libs for 32 and 64 bit. Make sure that the platform specific libs are located in ${BOOST_DIR}/lib32-msvc-14.0 and ${BOOST_DIR}/lib64-msvc-14.0.
For Mac: $ ./bootstrap.sh --with-libraries=filesystem,program_options,system,date_time $ ./b2 --link=static --variant=release --threading=multi --runtime-link=static --cxxflags=-fPIC
For Windows
Extract the contents of your Botan package into "${BOTAN_DIR}/win32". Duplicate that folder and rename it "win64".
Build 32 bit debug lib in
Build 32 bit release lib in
To build the 64 bit lib start the VS command prompt with the "amd64" argument as described here:https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/x4d2c09s.aspx
Build 64 bit debug lib in
Build 64 bit release lib in
For MacOS and Linux
Build release lib in
for Mac: $ mkdir debug/release $ cd debug/release $ python ../configure.py --disable-shared --disable-modules=darwin_secrandom (--with-debug-info) $ make -j 4
for Linux: $ python configure.py --disable-shared
Run setup script: $ ./script/setup.sh
- create release build
- make sure it uses the Sourcetrail icon
- obfuscate the executable using upx
- put data folder in working directory
- add empty log folder
- add working tictactoe.xml project to /projects/tictactoe with sources in /projects/tictactoe/src
- add empty app settings with one recent project tictactoe.xml
- leave window_settings.ini with correct Sourcetrail start layout
- add app
$ cd .../clang_llvm
$ cd llvm $ git pull origin master
$ cd tools/clang $ git pull origin master
$ cd ../../../../../build_debug $ cmake -G Ninja -DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON ../llvm $ ninja -j4 check-all
$ cd ../build_release $ cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON ../llvm $ ninja -j4
- Boost lib dir: rename library directory for your system (e.g.: 'lib32-msvc-12.0') to 'lib'
$ git tag -a VERSION_NUMBER -m "DESCRIPTION" $ git push --tags
// from png sequence convert -delay 3 -loop 0 souretrail_*.png souretrail.gif
// less colors gifsicle --colors 255 souretrail.gif > color.gif
// crop size gifsicle --crop 0,5+0x-5 color.gif > crop.gif
// add transparency gifsicle --unoptimize --disposal=previous --transparent="#FFFFFF" crop.gif > trans.gif
// resize gifsicle --resize-height 18 trans.gif > loader.gif