privkey hunt for crypto currencies that use secp256k1 elliptic curve
Find PrivateKey of corresponding Pubkey(s) using BSGS algo
Bitcoin Randstorm Exploit - Very Fast Private Key and Address Generator
Get back online, activate, and install updates on your legacy Windows PC
Converts many mnemonic seeds to WIF at once
tpruvot / ccminer
Forked from cbuchner1/ccminerCUDA Open Source miner project, for most nvidia cards
Get your own Bitcoin & Lightning Node running - on a RaspberryPi with a nice LCD
ethereumpow / go-ethereum
Forked from ethereum/go-ethereumGo implementation of the Ethereum protocol POW Fork
Interactive smart contract generator based on OpenZeppelin Contracts.
Brute Force Mnemonic Ethereum on GPU(CUDA)
A complete layer to get compatibility on XP/2003 for newer applications
A tool to recover lost bitcoin private keys from dead harddrives.
tidecoin / tidecoin
Forked from tidecoin-old/tidecoinTidecoin: Open Source Post-Quantum Security Bitcoin
The JS module of the post-quantum digital signature algorithm (Dilithium).
The JS module of the post-quantum digital signature algorithm (FALCON).
likloadm / electrum-tidecoin
Forked from spesmilo/electrumElectrum Tidecoin Wallet
Tidecoin: Open Source Post-Quantum Security Bitcoin