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Deploy AWS Managed Prometheus (AMP) and AWS Managed Grafana (AMG) With Terraform for scalable observibility on EKS Cluster.


Before we proceed deploy AMP and AMG using Terraform, there are a few commands or tools you need to have in the server where you will be executing the terraform scripts on.

1. awscli

2. go

3. Terraform

4. kubectl

5. helm


The following details makes the following assumptions.

You have aws cli configured

You have created s3 bucket that will act as the backend of the project. 

Quick Setup

Clone the repository if you have not cloned it already:

git clone

Change directory;

cd terraform-projects/monitoring

Update the and update the s3 bucket and the region of your s3 bucket. Update the profile if you are not using the default profile.

Update the profile variable if you are not using the default profile.

Update the secret.tfvars file with the output values of the Setting up EKS Cluster with Terraform, Helm and a Load balancer module.

Format the the project

terraform fmt

Initialize the project to pull all the moduels used

terraform init

Validate that the project is correctly setup.

terraform validate

Run the plan command to see all the resources that will be created

terraform plan --var-file="secret.tfvars"

When you ready, run the apply command to create the resources.

terraform apply --var-file="secret.tfvars"

Detailed Setup Steps.

When the above setup is done, we are now ready to deploy AMP and AMG in our previous created cluster. If you have not created the cluster, follow the steps outlined here # Setting up EKS with Terraform, Helm and a Load balancer In this step.

Deploy AWS Managed Service for Grafana (AMG)

Before creating the AMG, we need to ensure the the AWS-SSO is enabled to be able to access the Grafana workspace.

The following documentaion details how to ues AWS IAM Identity Center (successor to AWS Single Sign-On) with your Amazon Managed Grafana workspace.

When you have AWS Single Sign-On setup, contiue with the next steps.

  1. Create the AMG using the AWS Managed Service for Grafana (AMG) Terraform module

Note the variable "[var.sso_admin_group_id]". Make sure you have updated the secret.tfvars with a valid value from AWS SSO Group.

module "managed_grafana" {
source = "terraform-aws-modules/managed-service-grafana/aws"

providers = {
    aws =

# Workspace
name                      = "eks-grafana"
description               = "AWS Managed Grafana service"
account_access_type       = "CURRENT_ACCOUNT"
authentication_providers  = ["AWS_SSO"]
permission_type           = "SERVICE_MANAGED"
data_sources              = ["CLOUDWATCH", "PROMETHEUS", "XRAY"]
notification_destinations = ["SNS"]

create_workspace      = true
create_iam_role       = true
create_security_group = true
associate_license     = false
license_type          = "ENTERPRISE_FREE_TRIAL"
vpc_configuration = {
    subnet_ids = var.private_subnets

security_group_rules = {
    egress = {
    from_port        = 0
    to_port          = 0
    protocol         = "-1"
    cidr_blocks      = [""]
    ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
# Workspace API keys
workspace_api_keys = {
    viewer = {
    key_name        = "viewer"
    key_role        = "VIEWER"
    seconds_to_live = 3600
    editor = {
    key_name        = "editor"
    key_role        = "EDITOR"
    seconds_to_live = 3600
    admin = {
    key_name        = "admin"
    key_role        = "ADMIN"
    seconds_to_live = 3600

# Role associations
role_associations = {
    "ADMIN" = {
    "group_ids" = [var.sso_admin_group_id]

tags = {
    Terraform   = "true"
    Environment = var.env_name

Deploy AWS Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP)

Prometheus requires Amazon EBC CSI driver to be installed in your cluster. This driver allows your cluster to manage the lifecycle of Amazon EBS volumes for persistent volumes. Update the Setting up EKS Cluster with Terraform, Helm and a Load balancer and add the Amazon EBS volume addon. Also add AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy to the NodeGroups.

cluster_addons = {
aws-ebs-csi-driver = {
    most_recent = true

eks_managed_node_group_defaults = {
    iam_role_additional_policies = {
    AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy = "arn:aws:iam::aws:policy/service-role/AmazonEBSCSIDriverPolicy"
  1. Create the AWS Managed Service for Prometheus (AMP) Terraform module

    module "prometheus" {
    source = "terraform-aws-modules/managed-service-prometheus/aws"
    workspace_alias  = "eks-workspace"
    create_workspace = true
    providers = {
        aws =
    alert_manager_definition = <<-EOT
    alertmanager_config: |
        receiver: 'default'
        - name: 'default'
    rule_group_namespaces = {
        first = {
        name = "rule-01"
        data = <<-EOT
            - name: test
            - record: metric:recording_rule
                expr: avg(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total[5m]))
        second = {
        name = "rule-02"
        data = <<-EOT
            - name: test
            - record: metric:recording_rule
                expr: avg(rate(container_cpu_usage_seconds_total[5m]))
  2. Namespace - Create a namespace where we are going to deploy the prometheus server in the EKS Cluster.

    resource "kubernetes_namespace" "prometheus-namespace" {
    metadata {
        annotations = {
        name = "monitoring"
        labels = {
        application = "monitoring"
        name = "monitoring"
  3. Role - Create a role that we are going to annotate the Service Account used by the prometheus server.

    module "prometheus_role" {
    source = "terraform-aws-modules/iam/aws//modules/iam-role-for-service-accounts-eks"
    role_name                                        = "${var.env_name}_prometheus"
    attach_amazon_managed_service_prometheus_policy  = true
    amazon_managed_service_prometheus_workspace_arns = [module.prometheus.workspace_arn]
    oidc_providers = {
        main = {
        provider_arn               = var.oidc_provider_arn
        namespace_service_accounts = ["${kubernetes_namespace.prometheus-namespace.metadata[0].name}:amp-iamproxy-ingest-role"]
  4. Service Account - Create a service account that the prometheus server is going to use to get access the AMP service.

    resource "kubernetes_service_account" "service-account" {
    metadata {
        name      = "amp-iamproxy-ingest-role"
        namespace = kubernetes_namespace.prometheus-namespace.metadata[0].name
        labels = {
        "" = "prometheus"
        annotations = {
        ""               = module.prometheus_role.iam_role_arn
        "" = "true"
  5. Deployment - Install prometheus server with Helm.

    templates/amp_ingest_override_values.yaml can be customized to meet your configuration desire for the AMP server deployment.

    resource "helm_release" "prometheus" {
    name       = "prometheus-community"
    repository = ""
    chart      = "prometheus"
    version    = "23.1.0"
    namespace  = kubernetes_namespace.prometheus-namespace.metadata[0].name
    depends_on = [
    values = [
    set {
        name  = "server.remoteWrite[0].url"
        value = "${module.prometheus.workspace_prometheus_endpoint}api/v1/remote_write"
    set {
        name  = "server.remoteWrite[0].sigv4.region"
        value = var.main-region

When the above is done, use the following commands to confirm if the prometheus server was deployed successfully.

kubectl get all -n monitoring

Deploy VPC endpoints

  1. Security Group - Create a security group that will be attached to the VPC Endpoints. Allow traffic from the Grafana Security group.

    resource "aws_security_group" "allow_tls_grafana" {
    name        = "allow_tls_from_grafana"
    description = "Allow TLS inbound traffic from Grafana"
    vpc_id      = var.vpc_id
    provider    =
    ingress {
        description     = "TLS from Grafana Security group"
        from_port       = 443
        to_port         = 443
        protocol        = "tcp"
        security_groups = [var.grafana_security_group_id]
    egress {
        from_port        = 0
        to_port          = 0
        protocol         = "-1"
        cidr_blocks      = [""]
        ipv6_cidr_blocks = ["::/0"]
    tags = {
        Name        = "allow_tls_grafana"
        Terraform   = "true"
        Environment = var.env_name
  2. Prometheus VPC Endpoint - Create the Prometheus VPC Endpoint

    resource "aws_vpc_endpoint" "prometheus" {
    vpc_id            = var.vpc_id
    provider          =
    service_name      = ""
    vpc_endpoint_type = "Interface"
    security_group_ids = [,
    subnet_ids = var.private_subnets

Access the Grafana workspace and create

Add prometheus as datasource in in Grafana Workspace withou the /api/v1/query on the url. Select AWS SDK as authentication provider and update the region.

Add Prometheus datasource to AMG

When the above is done, click on save and test and you should see Data source is working message.

Prometheus datasource is working

Create a sample dashboard by importing a sample dashboard from grafana. Search a dashboard 3119 and import it

Import Dashboard

When the dashboard is imported, give it a moment and it should populate and look like this.

Kubernetes EKS Cluster (Prometheus)

At this moment you have both AMP and AMG configured. Grafana dashboards can be created to monitor the metrics important to you in your EKS cluster.