Easiest way to import arweave as systemd service, is via flakes
inputs.arweave.url = "github:ArweaveTeam/arweave";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, arweave }: {
nixosSystem = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
modules = [ arweave.nixosModules."x86_64-linux".arweave ];
In non nixos system, the package derivation can be accessed and used as standalone.
inputs.arweave.url = "github:ArweaveTeam/arweave";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, arweave }:
system = "x86_64-linux";
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; overlays = [ arweave.overlay ]; };
in {
# your flake here...
# pkgs.arweave should exist
Module extraArgs are also a good way to access pkgs.arweave for overrides if needed
inputs.arweave.url = "github:ArweaveTeam/arweave";
outputs = { self, nixpkgs, arweave }:
system = "x86_64-linux";
pkgs = import nixpkgs { inherit system; };
extraArgs = { inherit pkgs; };
in {
nixosSystem = nixpkgs.lib.nixosSystem {
inherit extraArgs system;
modules = [ arweave.nixosModules."${system}".arweave ];
In your configuration.nix you can enable arweave node as service. Note that this is limited to nixos the operating system (as opposed to just nix the package manager).
config = {
services.arweave = {
enable = true;
peer = [
# see more options below
A schema of the available options as json
"dataDir": {
"defaultValue": "/arweave-data",
"description": "Data directory path for arweave node.\n",
"option": "dataDir"
"enable": {
"defaultValue": false,
"description": "Whether to enable Enable arweave node as systemd service\n.",
"option": "enable"
"featuresDisable": {
"defaultValue": [],
"description": "List of features to disable.\n",
"option": "featuresDisable"
"group": {
"defaultValue": "users",
"description": "Run Arweave Node under this group.",
"option": "group"
"headerSyncJobs": {
"defaultValue": 10,
"description": "The pace for which to sync up with historical data.",
"option": "headerSyncJobs"
"maxDiskPoolDataRootBufferMb": {
"defaultValue": 500,
"description": "Max disk-pool buffer size in mb.",
"option": "maxDiskPoolDataRootBufferMb"
"maxMiners": {
"defaultValue": 0,
"description": "Max amount of miners to spawn, 0 means no mining will be performed.",
"option": "maxMiners"
"maxParallelBlockIndexRequests": {
"defaultValue": 2,
"description": "As semaphore, the max amount of parallel block index requests to perform.",
"option": "maxParallelBlockIndexRequests"
"maxParallelGetAndPackChunkRequests": {
"defaultValue": 10,
"description": "As semaphore, the max amount of parallel get chunk and pack requests to perform.",
"option": "maxParallelGetAndPackChunkRequests"
"maxParallelGetChunkRequests": {
"defaultValue": 100,
"description": "As semaphore, the max amount of parallel get chunk requests to perform.",
"option": "maxParallelGetChunkRequests"
"maxParallelGetSyncRecord": {
"defaultValue": 2,
"description": "As semaphore, the max amount of parallel get sync record requests to perform.",
"option": "maxParallelGetSyncRecord"
"maxParallelGetTxDataRequests": {
"defaultValue": 10,
"description": "As semaphore, the max amount of parallel get transaction data requests to perform.",
"option": "maxParallelGetTxDataRequests"
"maxParallelPostChunkRequests": {
"defaultValue": 100,
"description": "As semaphore, the max amount of parallel post chunk requests to perform.",
"option": "maxParallelPostChunkRequests"
"maxParallelWalletListRequests": {
"defaultValue": 2,
"description": "As semaphore, the max amount of parallel block index requests to perform.",
"option": "maxParallelWalletListRequests"
"metricsDir": {
"defaultValue": "/var/lib/arweave/metrics",
"description": "Directory path for node metric outputs\n",
"option": "metricsDir"
"package": {
"defaultValue": "pkgs.arweave",
"description": "The Arweave expression to use\n",
"option": "package"
"peer": {
"defaultValue": [],
"description": "List of primary node peers\n",
"option": "peer"
"transactionBlacklists": {
"defaultValue": [],
"description": "List of paths to textfiles containing blacklisted txids\n",
"option": "transactionBlacklists"
"transactionWhitelists": {
"defaultValue": [],
"description": "List of paths to textfiles containing whitelisted txids\n",
"option": "transactionWhitelists"
"user": {
"defaultValue": "arweave",
"description": "Run Arweave Node under this user.",
"option": "user"