This is an Opentrons fork of the open-source Smoothieware
Smoothie is a free, opensource, high performance G-code interpreter and CNC controller written in Object-Oriented C++ for the LPC17xx micro-controller ( ARM Cortex M3 architecture ). It will run on a mBed, a LPCXpresso, a SmoothieBoard, R2C2 or any other LPC17xx-based board. The motion control part is a port of the awesome grbl.
For more information on smoothie as a whole, please check out their documentation here
Opentrons utilizes the LPC1768
These are the quick steps to get OT Smoothie dependencies installed on your computer:
- Pull down a clone of the Opentrons Smoothie github fork project to your local machine.
- Install GNU-ARM compiler for your Operating System.
- Ensure that your path is correctly set by searching for the location of:
- You can check that your path is correct by typing
arm-none-eabi-gcc --help
and see that the function menu pops up, and also that it is a gcc compiler not a clang compiler
From a shell, switch into the root Smoothie project directory and run:
make clean build
This will generate a hex file which can be added onto an SD card to be placed in a smoothie board that will run our software. If you are receiving an error that the compiler is not
being recognized then try the following on a Unix/Linux distro: PATH=$PATH:/path/to/bin/file/gcc-arm-none-eabi-8-2018-q4-major/bin make clean build
If you are connected to a smoothie board, you can use the command
make opentrons
To automatically set up the board for you.
Please follow the guide here
Please take a look here
Contributions are very welcome !
We based our firmware off of the smoothie firmware which is developed by volunteers. If you find this software useful, want to say thanks and encourage development, please consider a donation!
Smoothieware is released under the GNU GPL v3