Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.
Background Muter - Automatically Mute Background Applications
实验项目,快速启动一个添加代理的Discord进程。Quickly launch a Discord process with an added proxy.
MMD Tools is a blender addon for importing/exporting Models and Motions of MikuMikuDance.
mmd_uuunyaa_tools is a blender addon for adjust scenes, models and materials in concert with mmd_tools
aelurum / AssetStudio
Forked from Perfare/AssetStudioAssetStudioMod - modified version of Perfare's AssetStudio, mainly focused on UI optimization and some functionality enhancements.
A Chrome extension for downloading files on Pixiv Fanbox in batches. Chrome 扩展,用于批量下载 Pixiv Fanbox 上的文件。
Automatically block unwanted, leeches and abnormal BT peers with support for customized and cloud rules.| BT 反吸血工具 - 自动封禁不受欢迎、吸血和异常的 BT 客户端,并支持自定义规则。支持 qB/qBEE/Deluge/BiglyBT/BitComet