Indigo | Kinetic |
This repository is used to control real aubo's MRA(module robot arm) by ROS.
- The mra_basic package is the driver to commuicate with the real MRA hardware and provides the some related topic of the ros control.
- The mra_control package is the abstraction of real MRA hardware.
- The mra_core_msgs package is the communication messages between mra_control and mra_basic.
- The mra_joint_state_publisher package is used to simulate MRA_API to send joint state and mra state
- The ros_control stack :See ros_control documentation on
- The ros_controllers stack is the implement of related ros controllers.
- The moveit_visual_tools package is the helper for displaying and debugging MoveIt! data in Rviz
- The mra_joint_state_publisher package is used to control mra joints by subscribing the "/joint_state" topic published by starting demo.launch in the *_moveit_config.
- The MRA has kinds of arm configurations composed of the module joins, such as dual arms, 7Dofs arm, 6Dofs arm, etc.
- You can only modify the configure file to suit different Dof arms, and don't need to modify the mra_basic source code.
- Support the trajectory msgs planning by move_group in MoveIt!.
- Support safe operations in real-time.
- Multiple kinds of control mode
- basic position, velocity, effort.
- controlling signle joint or arms by ros_control.
- A kind of MRA description with moveit configure.(If you need to plan to control the mra.) For example mra7a.
- A real MRA and gripper(Optional).
- ROS Indigo on (suggested) Ubuntu 14.04, or ROS Kinetic on Ubuntu 16.04 (under development)
- MoveIt!: sudo apt-get install ros-<indigo>-moveit
Create a catkin workspace if you don't already have one (we recommend a separate one for MRA)
mkdir -p ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws/src cd ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws/src catkin_init_workspace
Clone this respository to your catkin workspace
cd ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws/src git clone
cd ~/ros_ws/mra_ros_ws rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src --rosdistro indigo -y catkin_make
Firstly, startup the your MRA hardware.
The three control way as below:
Control single joint by ros_control.
roslaunch mra_control mra7a_hw_position_bingup.launch rostopic pub /mra/joint7_command std_msg/Float64 1.5 //control the seventh joint move 1.5 radio.
Control the whole arm by planning.
roslaunch mra_control mra7a_trajectory_rviz.launch
Contorl single joint by QT control panel.(You need install QT)
In the mra_basic/src/control_panel/CMakeLists.txtset(CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "/home/lmn/Qt5.3.2/5.3/gcc/lib/cmake") //Set your QT path.
In the mra_basic/CMakeLists.txt, cancel the comment below.
Running in three terminal
first terminal: roscore second terminal: rosrun mra_basic joint_control third terminal: rosrun mra_basic control_panel