{% multimethod %} {% endmultimethod %}
This walks through how to setup your Bandwidth Phone Number API and Bandwidth Voice and Mesasging API to send messages with the new Messaging 2.0 API. This guide is entirely focused on setup with the API. If you'd like to follow along with the UI, head to the via UI to follow along there.
- You have downloaded Postman -or- have the ability to make an API request.
⚠️ During the Beta, you will HAVE to use Postman, curl, hurl.it or other http tool to create your application⚠️
- You have your Voice and Messaging API
- You have your Phone Number API
- You have contacted Support to link your Voice and Messaging API and Phone Number API
- You have your Bandwidth Phone Number Dashboard Account Id
- You have an existing Sub-account you'd like to use.
Fill out the form on the Postman page to download the Messaging 2.0 collection.
- Create application
- Create location (sippeer)
- Enable SMS on Location (sippeer)
- Enable MMS on Location (sippeer)
- Assign Application to Location (sippeer)
- Order Available Numbers
- Check Order Status
- Send Text Message
Save the Application Id
After creating the application.
The Application contains the HTTP URL you want to use for both inbound and outbound messages.
{% extendmethod %}
Parameters | Mandatory | Description |
ServiceType |
Yes | The type of service the application will be used for Messaging-V2 is the only valid service type as of February 15, 2018 |
AppName |
Yes | Plain text name of the application |
CallbackUrl |
Yes | Url to recieve all message events |
CallBackCreds |
No | Basic auth credentials to apply to your message events |
CallBackCreds.UserId |
No | Basic auth UserId |
CallBackCreds.Password |
No | Basic auth Password |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
POST https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{accountId}}/applications HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {user:password}
<AppName>Production Server</AppName>
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/xml
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<AppName>Production Server</AppName>
{% endextendmethod %}
Save the Location (sippeer) Id
After creating the application.
The location (sippeer) is a logical grouping of numbers.
- You'll need a location (sippeer) in order to group phone numbers.
{% extendmethod %}
Parameters | Mandatory | Description |
PeerName |
Yes | Plain text name of the Location (sippeer) |
IsDefaultPeer |
No | Boolean: * true * false The Default SIP Peer is the default "destination" for any Telephone Numbers that are ordered for the Site in which the SIP Peer resides. Each sub-account (site) can have only 1 default SIP Peer. You can configure multiple SIP Peers on a Site |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
POST https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/sites/{{subaccount}}/sippeers HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {user:password}
<PeerName>Bandwidth Messaging 2 test2</PeerName>
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/sites/{{subaccount}}/sippeers/{{location}}
Save the {{location}} from the
{% endextendmethod %}
In order to use messaging 2.0 in your account, you need to enable SMS and MMS on each location after creating.
{% extendmethod %}
Parameters | Mandatory | Description |
TollFree |
Yes | Will enable texting to and from toll-free phone numbers. Boolean: * true * false |
ShortCode |
Yes | Will enable texting to and from short codes. Boolean: * true * false |
Protocol |
Yes | MUST BE SET TO HTTP Notice the UPPER case Protocol |
Zone1 |
Yes | MUST BE SET TO: true |
Zone2 |
Yes | MUST BE SET TO: false |
Zone3 |
Yes | MUST BE SET TO: false |
Zone4 |
Yes | MUST BE SET TO: false |
Zone5 |
Yes | MUST BE SET TO: false |
ProxyPeerId |
Yest | MUST BE SET TO: 539692 |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
POST https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/sites/{{subaccount}}/sippeers/{{location}}/products/messaging/features/sms HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {user:password}
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
{% endextendmethod %}
In addition to enabling SMS, you must also enable MMS to recieve picture messages and other multi-media messages.
{% extendmethod %}
Parameters | Mandatory | Description |
protocol |
Yes | MUST BE SET TO HTTP Notice the lower case protocol |
ProxyPeerId |
Yest | MUST BE SET TO: 539692 |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
POST https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/sites/{{subaccount}}/sippeers/{{location}}/products/messaging/features/mms HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {user:password}
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
{% endextendmethod %}
In order to use messaging 2.0 in your account, you need to assign the application
created above to the location (sippeer)
{% extendmethod %}
Parameters | Mandatory | Description |
HttpMessagingV2AppId |
Yes | The application ID from the application created above |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
PUT https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/sites/{{subaccount}}/sippeers/{{location}}/products/messaging/applicationSettings HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {user:password}
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
{% endextendmethod %}
Save the Order Id
After creating the order.
Now that you have your account setup to send & receive text messages, you need to order some numbers.
{% extendmethod %}
Parameters | Mandatory | Description |
AreaCode |
Yes | The area code of the desired numbers. This is just 1 of many ways to search for numbers |
Quantity |
No | Quantity of phone numbers to return, default is 5000 |
SiteId |
Yes | The id of your subaccount (site) |
PeerId |
Yes | The id of your location (sippeer) |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
POST https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/orders HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {user:password}
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Location: https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/orders/{{order}}
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
{% endextendmethod %}
After ordering the numbers, you will need to check on the status to know when those numbers are ready to use.
When the Order Status
: <OrderStatus>COMPLETE</OrderStatus>
, the numbers are ready to use
{% extendmethod %}
Parameters | Mandatory | Description |
order |
Yes | The ID of the order |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
GET https://dashboard.bandwidth.com/api/accounts/{{account}}/orders/{{order}} HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {user:password}
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml; charset=utf-8
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<Summary>1 number ordered in (910)</Summary>
When the
Order Status
, the numbers are ready to use
{% endextendmethod %}
- To send a message,
to the/messages
endpoint - In the V2 Messaging API, messages are sent asynchronously. Message validation will happen after the server returns
. API clients should listen for HTTP callback events if they need to track message state after the initialPOST
{% extendmethod %}
Parameter | Mandatory | Description |
from |
Yes | One of your telephone numbers the message should come from (should be in E.164 format, like +19195551212 ). The +1 can be omitted for US numbers in the from or to parameter |
to |
Yes | The phone number the message should be sent to (must be in E.164 format, like +19195551212 ). The +1 can be omitted for US numbers in the from or to parameter |
text |
Yes | The contents of the text message (must be 2048 characters or less). |
applicationId |
Yes | The ID of the Application your from number is associated with in the Bandwidth Phone Number Dashboard. |
{% common %}
{% sample lang="http" %}
POST https://api.catapult.inetwork.com/v2/users/{{userId}}/messages HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Authorization: {token:secret}
"from" : "{{your-bandwidth-number}}",
"to" : "{{yourTN}}",
"text" : "Good morning, this is a test message",
"applicationId" : "{{your-application-id}}"
{% common %}
HTTP/1.1 202
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
"id" : "15047516192013g5tuga77zsa6jrp",
"owner" : "+19193529968",
"applicationId" : "05851417-c78b-4636-81a2-014a54d8f119",
"time" : "2017-09-07T02:33:39.201Z",
"direction" : "out",
"to" : ["+19191231234"],
"from" : "+19193524444",
"text" : "Hi from Bandwidth!"
{% endextendmethod %}