This is a list of changes made in MU-FRET to the original FRET code, for the purpose of making it easier to re-integrate the project back into FRET down the line.
Commit d2cf4cd Replaced a suspected typo of bitwise & with logical &&
Commit 51c4387 Changed the size of the node labels in the hierarchical cluster diagram in the CSS
Commit 1cedaba Changed the colours of the hierarchical cluster diagram
Commit be62f37 Add legend to hierarchical diagram to explain the colours
Commit 4d5e3e5 Edited DisplayRequirementDialog.js to fix the title bar and buttons geting duplicated and/or cut off This is likely to cause a merge conflict since I think the main repo has also changed this, but when I pulled in their solution it didn't work.
Commit 58a66e3 Edited DisplayRequirementDialog.js and SortableTable.js to add a refactoring button to the dialogue. This is mainly just changing our code but I thought I should include it in here.
Commit 9308101 Edited RequirementDialogs.js so we can refactor from the front page via the Cluster Diagram. Just adding new code.
Commit 001c944 Created RenameProjectDialog.js. Edited MainView.js to add Rename Project buttons to the project selection menu. Added the import for RenameProjectDialog, two state variables ('renameProjectDialogOpen' and 'projectTobeRenamed'), three functions ('Handle', 'Open' and 'Close' for the rename dialog) and added rename buttons to the project selection dropdown.