Allow the owner of the Azure Virtual Machines to install the Azure Monitor Linux Agent
The extension is currently in Public Preview and is accessible to all public cloud regions in Azure.
You can read the User Guide below.
Azure Monitor Linux Agent Extension can:
- Install the agent and pull configs from MCS
You can deploy it using Azure CLI
You can view the availability of the Azure Monitor Linux Agent extension versions in each region by running:
az vm extension image list-versions -l <region> --name AzureMonitorLinuxAgent -p Microsoft.Azure.Monitor
You can deploy the Azure Monitor Linux Agent Extension by running:
az vm extension set --name AzureMonitorLinuxAgent --publisher Microsoft.Azure.Monitor --version <version> --resource-group <My Resource Group> --vm-name <My VM Name>
To update the version of the esisting installation of Azure Monitor Linux Agent extension on a VM, please add "--force-update" flag to the above command. (Currenty Waagent only supports this way of upgrading. Will update once we have more info from them.)
Currently Manually tested only on -
- CentOS Linux 6, and 7 (x64)
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6 and 7 (x64)
- Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, 18.04 LTS(x64)
Will Add more distros once they are tested
- The status of the extension is reported back to Azure so that user can see the status on Azure Portal
- All the extension installation and config files are unzipped into -
and the tail of the output is logged into the log directory specified in HandlerEnvironment.json and reported back to Azure - The operation log of the extension is