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Anime Game CBT 1 Server
MrDilraba / UEAESKeyFinder
Forked from EZFNDEV/UEAESKeyFinderThis tool can find the AES Key of probably any Unreal Engine game
gucooing / genshin-luadec
Forked from viruscamp/luadecLua Decompiler for genshin lua 5.3
Dumper for hi3rd
Modified version of Il2CppDumper allows you to dump methods of UserAssembly.dll of the game Genshin Impact.
使用frida spawn启动目标il2cpp手游注入脚本获得需要的il2cpp api的所在偏移
yarik0chka / YarikStudio
Forked from RazTools/StudioModded AssetStudio with new features (supports GI 4.6+)
一个用于动态dump 魔改il2cpp框架的unity游戏符号的frida脚本
Bypasses version.dll and anticheat check for a certain anime game.
dnSpyEx / dnSpy
Forked from dnSpy/dnSpyUnofficial revival of the well known .NET debugger and assembly editor, dnSpy
TIANLI0 / ban-pcdn-ip
Forked from unclemcz/ban-pcdn-ip收集 地区为山西、运营商为联通的PCDN恶意刷量IP段清单。
hashblen / ZZZ_Studio
Forked from RazTools/StudioModded AssetStudio with new features
gravesoft / msdl
Forked from ave9858/msdlMicrosoft Software Download Listing
moux23333 / windy-lua
Forked from NotArandomGUY/windy-luaLua with some modifications
gucooing / Iridium-SR
Forked from tamilpp25/Iridium-SRA KCP packet sniffer + visualizer in one, backend rewritten in Go. (For SR)
hrt / ThreadJect-x64
Forked from D4stiny/ThreadJectManual DLL Injector using Thread Hijacking. X64
A server software reimplementation for a certain anime game (with newer version supported).
LukeFZ / Il2CppInspectorRedux
Forked from djkaty/Il2CppInspectorContinuation of Il2CppInspector - A powerful automated tool for reverse engineering Unity IL2CPP binaries.
nonobject14514 / PADumper
Forked from BryanGIG/PADumperProcess Android Memory Dumper
MHfudie / Dumpcs2Protobuf
Forked from Hiro420/Dumpcs2Protobuftool to extract the obfuscated protobuf messages from dump.cs file (works on GI <3.5.5, SR)
aelurum / AssetStudio
Forked from Perfare/AssetStudioAssetStudioMod - modified version of Perfare's AssetStudio, mainly focused on UI optimization and some functionality enhancements.
az4521 / TachiyomiAZ
Forked from NerdNumber9/TachiyomiEHFree and open source manga reader for Android
FeiFei-SS / sim-phi
Forked from lchzh3473/sim-phiSimulation of Phigros display with js/canvas
A Frida module to dump, trace or hijack any Il2Cpp application at runtime, without needing the global-metadata.dat file.
Asayu233 / GI-cutscenes
Forked from ToaHartor/GI-cutscenesA command line program playing with the cutscenes files (USM) from Genshin Impact.
Asnxthaony / GI-cutscenes
Forked from ToaHartor/GI-cutscenesA command line program playing with the cutscenes files (USM) from Genshin Impact.