##16.1 活动选择问题
#####16.1-1 活动选择问题的动态规划算法以及运行时间。
DP memorized版本的代码见:ActivitySelector
#####16.1-2 不是选择最早结束,而是选择最晚开始时间活动的贪心算法。
证明思路和定理16.1证明类似: 令Ak为Sk的一个最大活动兼容子集。aj是Ak中最晚开始的活动。am是Sk中最晚开始的活动。用am替代Ak中的aj,获得集合Ak'。Ak'中的活动都是不相交的,因为:Ak中的活动都是不相交的,aj是Ak中最晚开始的活动,而am开始时间比aj还晚。所以|Ak|=|Ak'|,即Ak'也是Sk的一个最大活动兼容子集。
#####16.1-3 Not just any greedy approach to the activity-selection problem produces a maximum-size set of mutually compatible activities. Give an example to show that
the approach of selecting the activity of least duration from among those that are compatible with previously selected activities does not work. Do the same for the approaches of always selecting the compatible activity that overlaps the fewest other remaining activities and always selecting the compatible remaining activity with the earliest start time.
s: 1 9 11
f: 10 12 15
s: 3 4 1
f: 4 5 9
#####16.1-4 假设要用很多个教室对一组活动进行调度。我们希望使用尽可能少的教室来调度所有的活动。请给出一个有效的贪心算法,来确定哪一个活动应使用哪一个教室。(这个问题也被成为区间图着色(interval-graph coloring)问题。我们可作出一个区间图,其顶点为已知的活动,其边连接着不兼容的活动。为使任两个相邻结点的颜色均不相同,所需的最少颜色对应于找出调度给定的所有活动所需的最少教室数。)
#####16.1-5 (带权重的活动选择问题)每个活动a[i]除了起止时间,还有一个价值(权重)v[i]。求价值最大的兼容活动子集,要求多项式时间。
##16.2 贪心算法原理
16.2-2 动态规划算法求解0-1背包问题。
16.2-3 Suppose that in a 0–1 knapsack problem, the order of the items when sorted by increasing weight is the same as their order when sorted by decreasing value. Give an efficient algorithm to find an optimal solution to this variant of the knapsack problem, and argue that your algorithm is correct.
16.2-4 Professor Midas drives an automobile from Newark to Reno along Interstate 80. His car's gas tank, when full, holds enough gas to travel n miles, and his map gives the distances between gas stations on his route. The professor wishes to make as few gas stops as possible along the way. Give an efficient method by which Professor Midas can determine at which gas stations he should stop, and prove that your strategy yields an optimal solution.
16.2-5(此题目的中文翻译不清楚。括号里为注释。) 设计一个高效算法,对实数线上给定的点集合{x1, x2, ...,xn}(实数,即浮点型,不是整数),求一个__数量最少__的单位长度闭区间(即长度=1的区间)集合,使得这些集合能覆盖所有给定的点。证明你的算法正确。
思路:假设点集合{x1, x2, ...,xn}是有序递增(若不是有序的,先排序)的。每次选择最左边的没有被覆盖的点,设xi,取区间{xi, xi + 1}, 如此往复,直到所有点覆盖完为止。