Version 1.0
This plugin allows to send command to your mobile phone via the Join API:
Support is provided trough the support thread within the smarthomeNG forum:
This plugin requires the library requests
. You can install this lib with:
sudo pip3 install requests --upgrade
class_name: Join
class_path: plugins.join
device_id: <your deviceid>
api_key: <your apikey>
: Your own device_id.api_key
: Your own personal api key.
send( title=None, text=None, icon=None, find=None, smallicon=None, device_id=None, device_ids=None, device_names=None, url=None, image=None, sound=None, group=None, clipboard=None, file=None, callnumber=None, smsnumber=None, smstext=None, mmsfile=None, wallpaper=None, lockWallpaper=None, interruptionFilter=None, mediaVolume=None, ringVolume=None, alarmVolume=None)
For the definition of the respective variables refer to the Join API:
Returns an array of all devices registered for the Join API
if (sh.your.item() == 1):
sh.join.send(smsnumber="0123456789", smstext="Hello World") #to write a SMS from your device to a target number
if (sh.your.item() == 1):
sh.join.send(title="01234567892", text="Hello World") #to write a notification to your device
if (sh.your.item() == 1):
sh.join.send(find="true") #to find your device