Send and receive information or commands over Telegram messaging service.
install telepot library (see requirements.txt)
- Send command "/newbot" to "BotFather" in order to create your new bot
- you will asked for a bot name and unique username
- BotFather will send you a token (=shard secred) you will need for plugin registration
- configure some bot details starting by sending "/mybots" to BotFather
name: My Home
class_name: Telegram
class_path: plugins.telegram
token: 123456789:BBCCfd78dsf98sd9ds-_HJKShh4z5z4zh22
trusted_chat_ids: 123456789,9876543210
Visible name of the bot in hello messages
shared secret key to authenticate to telegram network
Telegram communication is handled over chat(-channels) with unique ids. So a communication is bound to a chat id (=connected user) which can be adressed with broadcast messages. To get your current chat id, send a /subscribe command to the bot, which will replay with your chatid.
Send (broadcast) message on item change to registered chats. It is possible to use placeholder tags in the message string, to use a template based communication.
Available tags:
In some cases it is usefull to check a value against a condition before sending the message. Messages are used to monitor defined value groups. Therefore messaging is limited with this attribute to matching regular expressions only.
name: Türklingel (entprellt)
type: bool
knx_dpt: 1
telegram_message: Es klingelt an der Tür
The following example shows an integration in AutoBlind. If the state changes, a message with the current state name is broadcasted
name: Name des aktuellen Zustands
type: str
visu_acl: r
cache: 'on'
telegram_message: 'New AutoBlind state: [VALUE]'
read (broadcast) a list with specific item-values provided with the attribute. The attribute parameter is also the command. e.g. /wetter All attribute parameters (commands) are listed with the /info-command in a keyboard menu
name: Aussentemperatur in °C
type: num
knx_dpt: 9
telegram_info: wetter
name: Wingeschwindigkeit in kmh
type: num
knx_dpt: 9
telegram_info: wetter
name: Raumtemperatur Wohnzimmer in °C
type: num
knx_dpt: 9
telegram_info: rtr_ist
/info broadcast all info-commands in a bot-keyboard-menu e.g.
[ /wetter] [/rtr_ist]
/wetter broadcast all items and values provided with the attribute 'telegram_info = "wetter"'
Wetterstation.Aussentemperatur = -10,6
Wetterstation.Wind_kmh = 12.6
/rtr_ist broadcast all items and values provided with the attribute 'telegram_info = "rtr_ist"'
Dg.Wohnzimmer.Raumtemperatur = 22.6
Dg.Kueche.Raumtemperatur = 22.3
Dg.Bad.Raumtemperatur = 23.5
Dg.Schlafzimmer.Raumtemperatur = 20.1
- The connection is resetted by the server time by time. Improve internal error handling, because the reset is not really an "error"
- Implement full /subscribe meachanism to join broadcast messages
- Implement codition based messaging. Messages are only sent, if a condition is fulfilled, e.g. a bool value is true.
- Implement interface to operationlog plugin for message broadcast
- Implement fast and menu based (read-only) navigation through item-tree
- Implement r/w access to items