Starred repositories
carucker / Kalpana
Forked from ccht-ncsu/KalpanaVisualization of ADCIRC Model Data in Vector Formats
HyeonJeongKim / tcrm
Forked from GeoscienceAustralia/tcrmA statistical-parametric model for assessing wind hazard from tropical cyclones
jasonfleming / maureparticle
Forked from natedill/maureparticleA particle tracking program
jasonfleming / OceanMesh2D
Forked from CHLNDDEV/OceanMesh2DA fast and simple two-dimensional triangular mesh generator written in MATLAB designed specifically for coastal models that solve shallow-water equations.
jasonfleming / ADCIRCModules
Forked from zcobell/ADCIRCModulesImplementation of routines used to manipulate ADCIRC model files in Qt C++
jasonfleming / ourPerl
Forked from natedill/ourPerlVarious Perl utilities, mostly related to coastal engineering and hydrodynamic modeling
jasonfleming / Multi-stage
Forked from FL-ASGS/Multi-stageHigh-resolution Ensemble-based, regional coastal hydrodynamic forecast system: Multistage
Test suite derived from examples on
jasonfleming / MetOceanViewer
Forked from zcobell/MetOceanViewerMultipurpose tool for viewing hydrodynamic model data, such as ADCIRC, with a gui interface
jasonfleming / Kalpana
Forked from ccht-ncsu/KalpanaVisualization of ADCIRC Model Data in Vector Formats
jasonfleming / qgis-gmsh
Forked from jonathanlambrechts/qgis-gmshqgis plugin to interract with gmsh
jasonfleming / QGIS-Meshing
Forked from adamcandy/QGIS-MeshingQGIS plugins for meshing geophysical domains
refraction-ray / TH2-demos
Forked from JiangLiNSCC/TH2-demos演示如何使用天河2号及解决常见问题
scmphdpe / PyADCIRC
Forked from mandli/PyADCIRCPython tools for manipulating and plotting ADCIRC data files.
scmphdpe / StormSurgeViz
Forked from BrianOBlanton/StormSurgeVizA MATLAB-based tool for visualization and analysis of UGRID-compliant ADCIRC model output
scmphdpe / Kalpana
Forked from ccht-ncsu/KalpanaVisualization of ADCIRC Model Data in Vector Formats
scmphdpe / boundaries
Forked from dwyerk/boundariesPython code behind the boundaries blog post. See
slawler / datasharing
Forked from jtleek/datasharingThe Leek group guide to data sharing
WPringle / jekyll-mapping
Forked from matthewowen/jekyll-mappingEasily embed maps on Jekyll sites, with support for Google Maps and OpenStreetMap
WPringle / mesh2d
Forked from dengwirda/mesh2dMESH2D is a MATLAB-based Delaunay mesh generator for two-dimensional geometries.
gcoelho2 / wrf_hydro_training
Forked from NCAR/wrf_hydro_trainingJupyter notebooks for WRF-Hydro trainings
HenryGeorgist / pfra-hydromet
Forked from Dewberry/pfra-hydrometTools for developing excess precipitation scenarios for probabilistic flood risk analyses
Examples of analysis of ocean data and simulation outputs using xarray, xgcm, and pangeo.
rsignell-usgs / UTide
Forked from wesleybowman/UTidePython distribution of the MatLab package UTide
rsignell-usgs / hurricane-ike-water-levels
Forked from reproducible-notebooks/hurricane-ike-water-levelsUse Pangeo to calculate maximum water levels during Hurricane Ike
Rapid Watershed Delineation Code for MMW2
cheginit / SvePy
Forked from benrhodges/SvePySaint Venant Solver Python
cheginit / noaa_coops
Forked from GClunies/noaa_coopsPython wrapper for NOAA CO-OPS Tides & Currents Data
cheginit / tsunami
Forked from modern-fortran/tsunamiA shallow water equations solver