tloll or The Legend of Ling Ling is a game play space for Team Bamboo to try concepts and different ideas. Ideally these would form into some fun game to both develop and play.
IntelliJ Gradle Tips: - Adding the JDK can be annoying simply ebcause you can get stuck in a chicken or the egg scenario for the SDK. It can configured under File > Project Structure > Project Settings > Project - Getting nice gradle builds can also be a bit annoying for a new user. Go to Run > Edit Configurations > Add (Green +) > Groovy - Make 3 configurations named (my suggestion): build, run, and "build & run" - Script Path: /home/user/dev/git/tloll/build.gradle (or wherever yours is) - Module: tloll - Script parameters: build - Working directory: /home/user/dev/git/tloll (or wherever yours is)