The region_settings define the attributes for map generation that apply to an entire region. The general settings define the default overmap terrain and ground cover, as well as the factors that control forest and swamp growth. Additional sections are as follows:
Section | Description |
field_coverage |
Defines the flora that cover the field overmap terrain. |
city |
Defines the structural compositions of cities. |
map_extras |
Defines the map extra groups referenced by overmap terrains. |
weather |
Defines the base weather attributes for the region. |
Note that for the default region, all attributes and sections are required.
Identifier | Description |
type |
Type identifier. Must be "region_settings". |
id |
Unique identfier for this region. |
default_oter |
Default overmap terrain for this region. |
default_groundcover |
List of terrain types and weights applied as default ground cover. |
num_forests |
Number of forest "chunks". |
forest_size_min |
Minimum size for a forest chunk, in # of overmap terrains. |
forest_size_max |
Maximum size for a forest chunk, in # of overmap terrains |
swamp_maxsize |
Maximum size for a swamp chunk, in # of overmap terrains. |
swamp_river_influence |
Impacts swamp chance near rivers. Higher = more. |
swamp_spread_chance |
One in X chance that a swamp is created outside a forest or field. |
"type": "region_settings",
"id": "default",
"default_oter": "field",
"default_groundcover": [
["t_grass", 4],
["t_dirt", 1]
"num_forests": 250,
"forest_size_min": 15,
"forest_size_max": 40,
"swamp_maxsize": 4,
"swamp_river_influence": 5,
"swamp_spread_chance": 8500
The field_coverage section defines the furniture and terrain that make up the flora that
cover the field
overmap terrain.
Identifier | Description |
percent_coverage |
% of tiles in the overmap terrain that have a plant. |
default_ter |
Default terrain feature for plants. |
other |
List of features with % chance when default_ter isn't used. |
boost_chance |
% of field overmap terrains with boosted plant growth. |
boosted_percent_coverage |
% of tiles in the boosted that have a plant. |
boosted_other |
List of features in the boosted with % chance when default_ter isn't used. |
boosted_other_percent |
% of boosted_percent_coverage that will be covered by boosted_other . |
"field_coverage": {
"percent_coverage": 0.9333,
"default_ter": "t_shrub",
"other": {
"t_shrub_blueberry": 0.4166,
"t_shrub_strawberry": 0.4166,
"f_mutpoppy": 8.3333
"boost_chance": 0.833,
"boosted_percent_coverage": 2.5,
"boosted_other": {
"t_shrub_blueberry": 40.0,
"f_dandelion": 6.6
"boosted_other_percent": 50.0
The forest_mapgen_settings section defines the attributes used in generating forest (forest
, forest_water
) terrains, including their items, groundcover, terrain and
At the top level, the forest_mapgen_settings
is a collection of named configurations where each
entry has the name of the overmap terrain that it applies to, e.g. forest
, forest_thick
. It is possible to define settings for overmap terrains that are not rendered by
the forest mapgen, but will be used when blending forest terrains with other terrain types.
"forest_mapgen_settings": {
"forest": {},
"forest_thick": {},
"forest_water": {}
Each terrain then has an independent set of configuration values that control the mapgen.
Identifier | Description |
sparseness_adjacency_factor |
Value relative to neighbors controls how sparse the overmap terrain will be. |
item_group |
Item group used to place items randomly within the overmap terrain. |
item_group_chance |
% chance, between 1 and 100, that an item will be placed. |
item_spawn_iterations |
Number of times that the item spawning will be called. |
clear_groundcover |
Clear all previously defined groundcover for this overmap terrain. |
groundcover |
Weighted list of terrains used for base groundcover. |
clear_components |
Clear all previously defined components for this overmap terrain. |
components |
Collection of components that make up the terrains and furniture placed. |
clear_terrain_furniture |
Clear all previously defined terrain_furniture for this overmap terrain. |
terrain_furniture |
Collection of furniture conditionally placed based on terrain. |
"forest": {
"sparseness_adjacency_factor": 3,
"item_group": "forest",
"item_group_chance": 60,
"item_spawn_iterations": 1,
"clear_groundcover": false,
"groundcover": {
"t_grass": 3,
"t_dirt": 1
"clear_components": false,
"components": {},
"clear_terrain_furniture": false,
"terrain_furniture": {}
The components are a collection of named objects with a sequence, chance, and set of types that, during mapgen, are rolled in sequence to pick a feature to be placed at a given location. The names for the components are only relevant for the purposes of overriding them in region overlays.
Identifier | Description |
sequence |
Sequence in which components are processed. |
chance |
One in X chance that something from this component will be placed. |
clear_types |
Clear all previously defined types for this component. |
types |
Weighted list of terrains and furniture that make up this component. |
"trees": {
"sequence": 0,
"chance": 12,
"clear_types": false,
"types": {
"t_tree_young": 128,
"t_tree": 32,
"t_tree_birch": 32,
"t_tree_pine": 32,
"t_tree_maple": 32,
"t_tree_willow": 32,
"t_tree_hickory": 32,
"t_tree_blackjack": 8,
"t_tree_coffee": 8,
"t_tree_apple": 2,
"t_tree_apricot": 2,
"t_tree_cherry": 2,
"t_tree_peach": 2,
"t_tree_pear": 2,
"t_tree_plum": 2,
"t_tree_deadpine": 1,
"t_tree_hickory_dead": 1,
"t_tree_dead": 1
"shrubs_and_flowers": {
"sequence": 1,
"chance": 10,
"clear_types": false,
"types": {
"t_underbrush": 8,
"t_shrub_blueberry": 1,
"t_shrub_strawberry": 1,
"t_shrub": 1,
"f_chamomile": 1,
"f_dandelion": 1,
"f_datura": 1,
"f_dahlia": 1,
"f_bluebell": 1,
"f_mutpoppy": 1
The terrain furniture are a collection of terrain ids with a chance of having furniture
picked from a weighted list for that given terrain and placed on it during mapgen after
the normal mapgen has completed. This is used, for example, to place cattails on fresh
water in swamps. Cattails could be simply placed in the components
section and placed
during the normal forest mapgen, but that would not guarantee their placement on fresh
water only, while this does.
Identifier | Description |
chance |
One in X chance that furniture from this component will be placed. |
clear_furniture |
Clear all previously defined furniture for this terrain. |
furniture |
Weighted list of furniture that will be placed on this terrain. |
"t_water_sh" : {
"chance": 2,
"clear_furniture": false,
"furniture": {
"f_cattails": 1
The forest_trail_settings section defines the attributes used in generating trails in the forests, including their likelihood of spawning, their connectivity, their chance for spawning trailheads, and some general tuning of the actual trail width/position in mapgen.
Identifier | Description |
chance |
One in X chance a contiguous forest will have a trail system. |
border_point_chance |
One in X chance that the N/S/E/W-most point of the forest will be part of the trail system. |
minimum_forest_size |
Minimum contiguous forest size before a trail system can be spawned. |
random_point_min |
Minimum # of random points from contiguous forest used to form trail system. |
random_point_max |
Maximum # of random points from contiguous forest used to form trail system. |
random_point_size_scalar |
Forest size is divided by this and added to the minimum number of random points. |
trailhead_chance |
One in X chance a trailhead will spawn at end of trail near field. |
trailhead_road_distance |
Maximum distance trailhead can be from a road and still be created. |
trail_center_variance |
Center of the trail in mapgen is offset in X and Y by a random amount between +/- variance |
trail_width_offset_min |
Trail width in mapgen is offset by rng(trail_width_offset_min, trail_width_offset_max) . |
trail_width_offset_max |
Trail width is mapgen offset by rng(trail_width_offset_min, trail_width_offset_max) . |
clear_trail_terrain |
Clear all previously defined trail_terrain . |
trail_terrain |
Weighted list of terrain that will used for the trail. |
"forest_trail_settings": {
"chance": 2,
"border_point_chance": 2,
"minimum_forest_size": 100,
"random_point_min": 4,
"random_point_max": 50,
"random_point_size_scalar": 100,
"trailhead_chance": 1,
"trailhead_road_distance": 6,
"trail_center_variance": 3,
"trail_width_offset_min": 1,
"trail_width_offset_max": 3,
"clear_trail_terrain": false,
"trail_terrain": {
"t_dirt": 1
The city section defines the possible overmap terrains and specials that may be used as buildings in a city, their weighted chances of placement, and some attributes that control the relative placements of various classes of buildings.
Identifier | Description |
type |
City type identifier--currently unused. |
shop_radius |
Radial frequency of shop placement. Smaller number = more shops. |
park_radius |
Radial frequency of park placement. Smaller number = more parks. |
house_basement_chance |
One in X chance that a house has a basement. |
houses |
Weighted list of overmap terrains and specials used for houses. |
basements |
Weighted list of overmap terrains and specials used for basements. |
parks |
Weighted list of overmap terrains and specials used for parks. |
shops |
Weighted list of overmap terrains and specials used for shops. |
When picking a building to place in a given location, the game considers the city size, the
location's distance from the city center, and finally the shop_radius
and park_radius
values for
the region. It then tries to place a shop, then a park, and finally a house, where the chance to
place the shop or park are based on the formula rng( 0, 99 ) > X_radius * distance from city center / city size
"city": {
"type": "town",
"shop_radius": 80,
"park_radius": 90,
"house_basement_chance": 5,
"houses": {
"house_two_story_basement": 1,
"house": 1000,
"house_base": 333,
"emptyresidentiallot": 20
"basements": {
"basement": 1000,
"basement_hidden_lab_stairs": 50,
"basement_bionic": 50
"parks": {
"park": 4,
"pool": 1
"shops": {
"s_gas": 5,
"s_pharm": 3,
"s_grocery": 15
The map_extras section defines the named collections of map extras--special mapgen events
applied on top of the defined mapgen--that may be referenced by the extras
property of an overmap
terrain. This includes both the chance of an extra occurring as well as the weighted list of extras.
Identifier | Description |
chance |
One in X chance that the overmap terrain will spawn a map extra. |
extras |
Weighted list of map extras that can spawn. |
"map_extras": {
"field": {
"chance": 90,
"extras": {
"mx_helicopter": 40,
"mx_portal_in": 1
The weather section defines the base weather attributes used for the region.
Identifier | Description |
base_temperature |
Base temperature for the region in degrees Celsius. |
base_humidity |
Base humidity for the region in relative humidity % |
base_pressure |
Base pressure for the region in millibars. |
base_acid |
Base acid for the region in ? units. Value >= 1 is considered acidic. |
"weather": {
"base_temperature": 6.5,
"base_humidity": 66.0,
"base_pressure": 1015.0,
"base_acid": 0.0
A region_overlay allows the specification of region_settings
values which will be applied to
specified regions, merging with or overwriting the existing values. It is only necessary to specify
those values which should be changed.
Identifier | Description |
type |
Type identifier. Must be "region_overlay". |
id |
Unique identfier for this region overlay. |
regions |
A list of regions to which this overlay should be applied. "all" will apply to all regions. |
All additional fields and sections are as defined for a region_overlay
"type": "region_overlay",
"id": "example_overlay",
"regions": ["all"],
"city": {
"parks": {
"examplepark": 1