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1. HDPMI Source Overview þ host core - HDPMI.ASM IDT handlers, client data, host stack, host initialization, client initialization and termination, mode switches - INIT.ASM real-mode initialization - EXCEPT.ASM default exception handler - PUTCHR.ASM display text in protected mode - PUTCHRR.ASM display text in real mode (used in debug mode only) - A20GATE.ASM handles A20 - CLIENTS.ASM save/restore client state - SWITCH.ASM mode switch routines - MOVEHIGH.ASM move parts of host high - HEAP.ASM host's heap þ memory management - PAGEMGR.ASM physical memory, system address space, committed memory þ DPMI API (int 31h) - INT31API.ASM dispatcher, ax=04xx, ax=06xx, ax=07xx, ax=09xx - I31SEL.ASM ax=00xx - I31DOS.ASM ax=01xx - I31INT.ASM ax=02xx - I31SWT.ASM ax=03xx - I31MEM.ASM ax=05xx, ax=08xx - manages client address space - I31DEB.ASM ax=0Bxx - I31FPU.ASM ax=0Exx þ API translation - INT13API.ASM int 13h - INT21API.ASM int 21h - INT2FAPI.ASM int 2Fh - INT2XAPI.ASM int 23h, int 24h, int 25h, int 26h - INT33API.ASM int 33h - INT41API.ASM int 41h - INTXXAPI.ASM int 10h, int 15h, int 4Bh - HELPERS.ASM API translation helper functions - VXD.ASM (16bit only) þ internal include files - HDPMI.INC global constants, macros - EXTERNAL.INC externals, prototypes - PAGEMGR.INC prototypes of pagemgr.asm - INT31API.INC prototypes of I31xxx.asm - DEBUGSYS.INC constants for kernel debugger interface - VERSION.INC defines hdpmi version þ external include files ( from ..\..\Include ) - KEYBOARD.INC keyboard scan codes The source is not always easy to understand. It is old and was originally written with MASM 5.1. It's about 25.000 lines of code. 2. Image Layout The HDPMI binary will have the following segments (in this order) Segment Bits Type Comment ------------------------------------------------------------- BEGGRP16 16 data TSS _DATA16 16 data host's global data (for both modes) _DATA16V 16 data vm specific data _DATA16C 16 data client specific data for both modes _TEXT16 16 code resident real-mode code CONST16 16 data strings for both modes (usually empty) GDTSEG 16 data GDT (usually moved to extended memory) IDTSEG 16 data IDT (moved to extended memory) _ITEXT16 16 code real-mode code for initialization _TEXT32 32 code resident protected-mode code CONST32 32 data constants and strings for protected-mode only _DATA32C 32 data client specific data for protected-mode only _ITEXT32 32 code protected-mode code for initialization 16-bit segments are grouped in GROUP16. 32-bit segments are grouped in GROUP32. Since v3.18, the standard HDPMI binary is in PE format. The 16-bit part is extracted and then added again as a "stub", using tool EditPE. The PE format doesn't support groups, so group GROUP32 doesn't exist here. On initialization, after the paging tables are initialized, the 32-bit part will be copied to extended memory. All segments behind CONST16 can then be released when the host stays resident. When running, segment registers are setup like this: - CS: contains GROUP16 in real mode, GROUP32 in protected mode - SS: contains GROUP16 in protected mode The _DATA16C/_DATA32C segments are saved when a new client starts and restored when it's terminating. 3. HDPMI Debug Version The debug version has an additional cmdline option: -z: toggles log writing Additionally, there are some functions accessible thru the DPMI vendor API. 4. Makefiles þ HDPMIxx.MAK: creates standard version of HDPMIxx in STDxx directory. This is the only version currently that's in PE file format. þ HDPMIxxA.MAK: creates 2 versions: the first, in directory HSCMxx, has the host stack in conventional memory (which was "standard" before v3.18); the second version, in directory NOLFNxx, lacks LFN support, otherwise it's similar to the first. þ HDPMIxxE.MAK: creates an "enhanced" version, that will respond to some Win3x VxD calls, in directory ENHxx. The 16-bit version may be useful, since it allows to run Win9x in enhanced mode. þ HDPMIxxI.MAK: creates a version where clients will run with IOPL=0, in directory IOPL0xx. þ HDPMIxxS.MAK: creates a "stub" version, in directory STUBxx. These stubs may be added, either by the linker or as assembly include files, to other binaries. 5. Todo List þ implement the missing functions to make HDPMI a full V1.0 host: - DPMI TSRs (int 31h, ah=0Ch) - shared memory (int 31h, ah=0Dh) - give each client its own copy of IDT/LDT The shared memory thing should be pretty easy to implement since v3.07 if clients run in separate address contexts. Support for shared memory would enable dkrnl32 to implement shared sections (file mapping accross processes, named pipes, ...). þ add an option to make HDPMI load both 32bit code versions for 16- and 32-bit clients (the 16-bit conventional memory part is already identical - except the very first 8 bytes). This would finally make HDPMI16.EXE (almost) superfluous. On inital switch, just change the GDT entry for the 32bit code. Will require separate address contexts to be active. þ support for INT 24h is not fully implemented. The stack frame does not contain the registers pushed by DOS.