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Batch store

Sample mCommerce (Batch Store) for sales. This sample is a full fledged example meant to show both basic and advanced integrations of the Batch SDK with a real-world use case.

How run it

  • Clone this repository
  • Follow this instructions about prerequisites You will need to associate the project to a Firebase Project to continue.
  • Batch SDK is already installed, you have to setup Batch with your API KEY in build.gradle : buildConfigField "String", "API_KEY", '"<YOUR API KEY HERE>"' Make sure you keep '" before your API Key and "' after, they are needed to make a working string constant.
  • Build gradle
  • Run your app, open the Logcat tab of Android Studio. You should see the following logs :
Batch (<version>) is running in dev mode (your API key is a dev one)
Installation ID: <your installation ID>

More information :

In App Messaging

Well, installation's over you can setup your first In App campaign.

How sample work

In-App campaigns will appear on your users’ screen according to a specific trigger. For example, you can choose to display an In-App promoting a discount when a user add one article to cart.

Sample app contains 3 triggers

// Track when the user select an article
fun trackArticleVisit(article: Article){
    Batch.Profile.trackEvent("ARTICLE_VIEW", BatchEventAttributes().apply {
// Track when the user add article to cart
fun trackAddArticleToCart(article: Article){
    Batch.Profile.trackEvent("ADD_TO_CART", BatchEventAttributes().apply {

// Track when the user proceed to checkout
fun trackCheckout(amount: Double){
    Batch.Profile.trackEvent("CHECKOUT", BatchEventAttributes().apply {
        put("amount", amount)

This triggers can be use in the Batch dashboard with labels. More details here :

Example :

  • Create campaign
  • Set trigger display event : add_to_cart
  • Set label : Patek Philippe (If you don’t select any labels, Batch will trigger the message on every trigger of the selected event) Example
  • Setup message edition on the interface

In app, if you select Patek Philippe in your cart, you will see In App messaging.
