Unreal Engine plugin for TensorFlow. Enables training and implementating state of the art machine learning algorithms for your unreal projects.
This plugin source contains C++, Blueprint and python scripts that encapsulate TensorFlow operations as an Actor Component. The plugin depends on UnrealEnginePython plugin fork and SocketIO Client plugin.
Releases for this plugin contain compiled versions of all dependency plugins and you should be able to drag and drop it into your project.
If you have ideas or fixes, consider contributing! See https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4/issues for details.
- (GPU only) Install CUDA and cudNN pre-requisites if you're using compatible GPUs (NVIDIA)
- Download Latest Release choose CPU or GPU download version if supported.
- Create new or choose project.
- Browse to your project folder (typically found at Documents/Unreal Project/{Your Project Root})
- Copy Plugins folder into your Project root.
- (Optional) All plugins should be enabled by default, you can confirm via Edit->Plugins. Scroll down to Project and you should see three plugins, TensorFlow in Computing, Socket.IO Client in Networking and UnrealEnginePython in Scripting Languages. Click Enabled if any is disabled and restart the Editor and open your project again.
- Plugin is now ready to use.
Depends on UnrealEnginePython plugin fork and SocketIO Client plugin. Both of these are included in every release so you don't need to manually include them.
The UnrealEnginePython plugin fork contains changes to enable multi-threading, python script plugin encapsulation and automatic dependency resolution via pip. Simply specifying tensorflow as pythonModule dependency in https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4/blob/master/Content/Scripts/upymodule.json makes the editor auto-resolve the dependency on first run. The multi-threading support contains a callback system allowing long duration operations to happen on a background thread (e.g. training) and then receiving callbacks on your game-thread. This enables TensorFlow to work without noticeably impacting the game thread.
SocketIO Client is used for easy conversion between C++ and blueprint types (structs and variables) and JSON. Can also be used optionally to easily connect to a real-time web service via socket.io.
A project with example content is found at tensorflow-ue4-examples. The repository shows off different e.g. mnist classification examples inside UE4, but should expand as more plug and play examples are made. Consider contributing your cool samples!
It is also the main repository where all development is tracked for the other plugin dependencies for tensorflow.
You can either train directly or use a trained model inside UE4.
To start, add your python script file to {Project Root Folder}/Content/Scripts.
wrap your tensorflow python code by subclassing TFPluginAPI.
import tensorflow
, unreal_engine
and TFPluginAPI
in your module file and subclass the TFPluginAPI class with the following functions.
import tensorflow as tf
import unreal_engine as ue
from TFPluginAPI import TFPluginAPI
class ExampleAPI(TFPluginAPI):
#expected optional api: setup your model for training
def onSetup(self):
#expected optional api: parse input object and return a result object, which will be converted to json for UE4
def onJsonInput(self, jsonInput):
result = {}
return result
#expected optional api: start training your network
def onBeginTraining(self):
#NOTE: this is a module function, not a class function. Change your CLASSNAME to reflect your class
#required function to get our api
def getApi():
#return CLASSNAME.getInstance()
return ExampleAPI.getInstance()
Note the getApi()
module function which needs to return a matching instance of your defined class. The rest of the functionality depends on what API you wish to use for your use case. At the moment the plugin supports input/output from UE4 via JSON encoding.
If you wish to train in UE4, implement your logic in onBeginTraining()
and ensure you check for self.shouldstop
after each batch/epoch to handle early exit requests from the user e.g. when you EndPlay or manually call StopTraining
on the tensorflow component. You will also receive an optional onStopTraining
callback when the user stops your training session.
If you have a trained model, simply setup your model/load it from disk and omit the training function, and forward your evaluation/input via the onJsonInput(jsonArgs)
callback. See mnistSaveLoad.py example on how to train a network once, and then save the model, reloading it on setup such that you skip retraining it every time.
Note that both onTrain()
and onSetup()
are asynchronous by default with no additional code required by the developer. If you use a high level library like e.g. keras, may need to store your tf.Session and tf.Graph separately and use it as default with self.session.as_default():
and with self.graph.as_default():
to evaluate, since the call will be done a separate thread from the training one.
Below is a very basic example of using tensorflow to add or subtract values passed in as {"a":<float number or array>, "b":<float number or array>}
import tensorflow as tf
import unreal_engine as ue
from TFPluginAPI import TFPluginAPI
class ExampleAPI(TFPluginAPI):
#expected optional api: setup your model for training
def onSetup(self):
self.sess = tf.InteractiveSession()
self.a = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
self.b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
self.c = self.a + self.b
#expected optional api: json input as a python object, get a and b values as a feed_dict
def onJsonInput(self, jsonInput):
#show our input in the log
#map our passed values to our input placeholders
feed_dict = {self.a: jsonInput['a'], self.b: jsonInput['b']}
#run the calculation and obtain a result
rawResult = self.sess.run(self.c,feed_dict)
#embedd the answer as a string value in a python object
return {'answer':str(rawResult)}
#custom function to change the operation type
def changeOperation(self, type):
if(type == '+'):
self.c = self.a + self.b
elif(type == '-'):
self.c = self.a - self.b
#expected optional api: We don't do any training in this example
def onBeginTraining(self):
#NOTE: this is a module function, not a class function. Change your CLASSNAME to reflect your class
#required function to get our api
def getApi():
#return CLASSNAME.getInstance()
return ExampleAPI.getInstance()
A full example using mnist can be seen here: https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4-examples/blob/master/Content/Scripts/mnistSimple.py
A full example using save/load setup can be seen here: https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4-examples/blob/master/Content/Scripts/mnistSaveLoad.py
Another full example using keras api can be found here: https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4-examples/blob/master/Content/Scripts/mnistKerasCNN.py. Note the keras callback used for stopping training after current batch completes, this cancels training on early gameplay exit e.g. EndPlay.
If you need to stream some data to blueprint e.g. during training you can use the self.callEvent()
The format is self.callEvent('EventName', 'MyString')
The format is self.callEvent('EventName', PythonObject, True)
Example use case in mnistSpawnSamples.py where sample training images are emitted to unreal for preview.
Once you've written your python module, Select your TensorflowComponent inside your actor blueprint
and change the TensorFlowModule name to reflect your filename without .py. e.g. if my python file is ExampleAPI.py it would look like this
Optionally disable the verbose python log and change other toggles such as training on BeginPlay or disabling multithreading (not recommended).
By default the onBeginTraining() function will get called on the component's begin play call. You can optionally untick this option and call Begin Training manually.
You control what type of data you forward to your python module and the only limitation for the current api is that it should be JSON formatted.
In the simplest case you can send e.g. a basic json string {"MyString","SomeValue"}
constructed using SIOJson like so
SIOJson supports completely user defined structs, even ones only defined in blueprint. It's highly recommended to use such structs for a convenient way to organize your data and to reliably decode it on the python side. Below is an example where we send a custom bp struct and encode it straight to JSON.
with the struct defined in blueprint as
You can also interweave structs, even common unreal types so feel free to mix and match both of the above methods. In this particular example we interweave a 3D vector in a json object we defined. The sent input should now be {"SomeVector":{"x":1.0,"y":2.3,"z":4.3}}
A convenience function wraps a UTexture2D into a json object with {"pixels":[<1D array of pixels>], "size":{"x":<image width>,:"y":<image height>}}
which you can reshape using numpy.
Note that this currently will convert an image into full alpha greyscale. If you need color texture inputs, use own custom method or make a pull request.
If you need to call python functions from blueprint which the current api doesn't support, you can do so by using the CallCustomFunction
method on the TensorflowComponent. You specify the function name and pass in a string as arguments. The function runs on the game thread and will return immediately with an expected string value. For both arguments and returning values, JSON encoding is recommended, but optional.
Example custom function call passing in a string argument to changeOperation
in addExample.py
Select your Tensorflow Component from your actor blueprint and then click + to subscribe to the chosen event in the event graph.
current api supports the following events
Called when onJsonInput() completes in your python module. The returned data is a json string of the return data you pass at the end of the function.
Normally you'd want to convert this string into SIOJsonObject so you can use your results data in blueprint. It is also typical to have a prediction field attached to this object for e.g. classification tasks.
If you have a regular return format, consider making your own custom bp struct and fill its value from the json string like this
Note that the function will only fill fields that have matching names and ignore all other struct fields. This means you can safely fill a partial struct from a json string that has more fields than the struct defines.
When the onBeginTraining() call is complete you receive this event with {'elapsed':<time taken>}
json, optionally with additional return data passed in from your function.
If you use self.callEvent()
you will receive this event dispatch. You can filter your event types by the event name and then do whatever you need to with the data passed in.
For example mnistSpawnSamples.py uses self.callEvent()
to async stream training images and we'd filter this via checking for 'PixelEvent'
A large portion of the plugin capability comes from its ability to convert data types. See TensorflowBlueprintLibrary.h for full declarations and code comments.
Convert a UTexture2D as grayscale to a 1D float array; obtains size from texture.
ToGrayScaleFloatArray (Texture2D)
static TArray<float> Conv_GreyScaleTexture2DToFloatArray(UTexture2D* InTexture);
Convert a UTexture2D to a 1D float array; obtains size from texture. Expects 4 1-byte values per pixel e.g. RGBA.
ToFloatArray (Texture2D)
static TArray<float> Conv_Texture2DToFloatArray(UTexture2D* InTexture);
Invert values in a given float array (1->0, 0->1) on a 0-1 scale.
static TArray<float> InvertFloatArray(const TArray<float>& InFloatArray);
Convert a 4 value per pixel float array to a UTexture2D with specified size, if size is unknown (0,0), it will assume a square array.
ToTexture2D (Float Array)
static UTexture2D* Conv_FloatArrayToTexture2D(const TArray<float>& InFloatArray, const FVector2D Size = FVector2D(0,0));
Convert a 1 value per pixel float array to a UTexture2D with specified size, if size is unknown (0,0), it will assume a square array.
ToTexture2D (Grayscale Array)
static UTexture2D* Conv_FloatArrayToTexture2D(const TArray<float>& InFloatArray, const FVector2D Size = FVector2D(0,0));
Convert a UTextureRenderTarget2D to a UTexture2D
ToTexture2D (Render Target 2D)
static UTexture2D* Conv_RenderTargetTextureToTexture2D(UTextureRenderTarget2D* InTexture);
Convert a byte array into a float array, normalized by the passed in scale
ToFloatArray (bytes)
static TArray<float> Conv_ByteToFloatArray(const TArray<uint8>& InByteArray, float Scale = 1.f);
A c++ component that uses windows api to capture and stream microphone audio without the need of an online subsystem. See https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4/blob/master/Source/TFAudioCapture/Public/TFAudioCaptureComponent.h for details on API.
This component is aimed to be used for native speech recognition when Tensorflow examples mature.
A simple blueprint wrapper to save and load bytes from file. Allows to easily flush e.g. audio capture for later use. See https://github.com/getnamo/tensorflow-ue4/blob/master/Source/CoreUtility/Public/FileUtilityComponent.h for details on API.
On first run you may see this message in your python console
Wait until pip installs your dependencies fully, this may take ~3-5min. When the dependencies have installed, it should look something like this
After you see this, go ahead and close your editor and re-launch the project. When the project has launched again this error should not show up again.
This is due to python importing tensorflow on begin play and loading all the dlls. Currently unavoidable, only happens once per editor launch.
Plugin - MIT
TensorFlow and TensorFlow Icon - Apache 2.0