In this repo, other than the dependencies of ORB-SLAM2 described below, we include EdgeDrawing edge detection library in Thirdparty/EDTest folder.
EDLines line detection library is included in Thirdparty/EDLines folder.
Line3D++ line-based MVS library is included in Thirdparty/Line3Dpp folder.
We also use CGAL in the process of surface reconstruction.
The implementation of semi-dense mapping is modified from this github repo.
The surface reconstruction is modified from the work of David Lovi, which is described in his thesis.
OpenMP is used for speeding up the semi-dense mapping a little.
Boost is also used to make things easier.
In this document we list all the pieces of code included by ORB-SLAM2 and linked libraries which are not property of the authors of ORB-SLAM2.
- This is a modified version of orb.cpp of OpenCV library. The original code is BSD licensed.
PnPsolver.h, This is a modified version of the epnp.h and of Vincent Lepetit. This code can be found in popular BSD licensed computer vision libraries as OpenCV and OpenGV. The original code is FreeBSD.
Function ORBmatcher::DescriptorDistance in The code is from: The code is in the public domain.
All code in DBoW2 folder. This is a modified version of DBoW2 and DLib library. All files included are BSD licensed.
All code in g2o folder. This is a modified version of g2o. All files included are BSD licensed.
Pangolin (visualization and user interface).
OpenCV. BSD licensed.
Eigen3. For versions greater than 3.1.1 is MPL2, earlier versions are LGPLv3.
BLAS (required by g2o). Freely-available software.
LAPACK(required by g2o). BSD licensed.
ROS (Optional, only if you build Examples/ROS). BSD licensed. In the manifest.xml the only declared package dependencies are roscpp, tf, sensor_msgs, image_transport, cv_bridge, which are all BSD licensed.
Updated: 23/01/2016 Raúl Mur Artal